Data Backup and Recovery

Snapcreator configuration for SAP Sybase ASE



I am trying to configure snapcreator to backup our Sybase database. I am using snapcreator 4.0p1 on Linux RHEL 6.4. The relevant part of my config file looks like this:










However, when I start the command for backup, I receive following error during DB quiescence:


[2013-11-22 15:36:15,348] INFO: [dbhost:9090 (] SYBASE:QUIESCE: Quiescing database SBT

[2013-11-22 15:36:15,349] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00012] SYBASE:RUN_CMD: Command [/bin/su - sybsbt -c "/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -Pxxxxx -SSBT -w 1024 -i /tmp/"] failed with return code 256 and message -SSBT: Command not found.

[2013-11-22 15:36:15,350] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00012] SYBASE:RUN_CMD: Command [/bin/su - sybsbt -c "/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -Pxxxxx -SSBT -w 1024 -i /tmp/"] failed with return code 256 and message -SSBT: Command not found.

[2013-11-22 15:36:15,350] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00012] SYBASE:RUN_CMD: Command [/bin/su - sybsbt -c "/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -Pxxxxx -SSBT -w 1024 -i /tmp/"] failed with return code 256 and message -SSBT: Command not found.

[2013-11-22 15:36:15,351] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00012] SYBASE:RUN_CMD: Command [/bin/su - sybsbt -c "/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -Pxxxxx -SSBT -w 1024 -i /tmp/"] failed with return code 256 and message -SSBT: Command not found.

[2013-11-22 15:36:15,351] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00012] SYBASE:RUN_CMD: Command [/bin/su - sybsbt -c "/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -Pxxxxx -SSBT -w 1024 -i /tmp/"] failed with return code 256 and message -SSBT: Command not found.

[2013-11-22 15:36:15,352] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00012] SYBASE:RUN_CMD: Command [/bin/su - sybsbt -c "/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -Pxxxxx -SSBT -w 1024 -i /tmp/"] failed with return code 256 and message -SSBT: Command not found.

[2013-11-22 15:36:15,353] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00012] SYBASE:RUN_CMD: Command [/bin/su - sybsbt -c "/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -Pxxxxx -SSBT -w 1024 -i /tmp/"] failed with return code 256 and message -SSBT: Command not found.

[2013-11-22 15:36:15,353] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00004] SYBASE:QUIESCE: Quiescing databases failed


Another problem (that did not occure yet but i expect it to come) is that I have the DB installed with a virtual hostname (DB is using hostname that is not the same as OS host). Therefore the calling for isql must contain -X parameter otherwise an error will be displayed:


[root@host01 sybase]# /bin/su - sybsbt -c "/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -Ppassword -SSBT -w 1024 -i /tmp/"

Msg 1640, Level 16, State 2:

Server 'SBT':

Adaptive Server requires encryption of the login password on the network.

Msg 4002, Level 14, State 1:

Server 'SBT':

Login failed.


        ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: external error: The attempt to connect to the server failed.



How can I configure this -X parameter to be a part of -sql calling ?


Any assistance with these 2 problems would be appreciated.

Thank you.




Hello Siva and Karthikeyan for your help. I summarize here the information if anyone else would need to solve the problem. There were 3 more or less independent problems.

1) Connection to encrypted Sybase DB or DB running with different hostname. Add -X parameter to config file:

SYBASE_ISQL_CMD=/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -X

2) Problem with command not found:

[2013-11-22 15:36:15,349] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00012] SYBASE:RUN_CMD: Command [/bin/su - sybsbt -c "/sybase/SBT/OCS-15_0/bin/isql -Usapsa -Pxxxxx -SSBT -w 1024 -i /tmp/"] failed with return code 256 and message -SSBT: Command not found.

Password of sapsa user must not end with exclamation mark .

3) Problem with quiescence of DB:

[Mon Dec  9 12:20:04 2013] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00002] SYBASE:QUIESCE: Could not get Database master status, ensure database is running!

[Mon Dec  9 12:20:04 2013] ERROR: [dbhost:9090 (] [syb-00004] SYBASE:QUIESCE: Quiescing databases failed

[Mon Dec 9 12:20:02 2013] ERROR: [dbhost:9090(] SCF-00037: Application quiesce for plugin [sybase] failed with error [] and exit code [1], Exiting!

[Mon Dec  9 12:20:04 2013] ERROR: Task: quiesce with config:sybase@sbt failed

Must be solved with following steps:


[sybsbt@host01~]$ isql -X -Usapsso -Ppasswd -SSBT -w 1024

1> use master

2> go

1> sp_configure "allow updates",1

2> go

Parameter Name                 Default     Memory Used Config Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Run Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit                 Type

------------------------------ ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------

allow updates to system tables           0           0            1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    switch               dynamic

(1 row affected)

Configuration option changed. ASE need not be rebooted since the option is dynamic.

Changing the value of 'allow updates to system tables' does not increase the amount of memory Adaptive Server uses.

(return status = 0)


b) restart DB


[sybsbt@host01~]$ isql -X -Usapsa -Ppasswd -SSBT -w 1024

1> use master

2> go

1> update master.dbo.sysdatabases set status = 0 where name = "master"

2> go

(1 row affected)

1> exit

Thanks again.



View solution in original post
