ONTAP Discussions

FAS2020 Aggregate shows used size 100%, however no files/data on storage


We have 4 FAS2020, this week we received a new one and started to setup this netapp the same as the others.

we expanded the default aggregate (aggr0) so we have 1.74TB of storage space.

Then we created a volume, the full size 1.74TB. And we created 3 LUNS 888GB (overcommitted)

All the other fas2020 devices showed a aggregate used size under 70% some are empty so less then 10%, but the new one says 100%

The storage/volumes/aggregates are completely the same on all the SANs.

Can someone explain?



Hi Wilco,

Volume(disabled) is more or less an error condition. Its not something you would explicitly set. What it means is that the volume had/has a guarantee set to volume, but has failed to be able to fully honor that guarantee and has hence disabled the guarantee... most likely this is due to the aggregate running out of space (perhaps because it was guaranteed elsewhere.)  Did you used to have a 3rd volume on this aggregate?

The following links may be helpful:



As you now have space available you may be able to set the guarantee to none and then back to volume to resolve the issue on the existing filer.

Best Regards,

Adam S.

View solution in original post




Can you show us the output from this command:

aggr show_space -g

df -g

lun show

by the sounds of it you have taken ALL your aggr. space and filled it up with 1 volume which probably has got space guarantee on.

this is why its happening.

1. I dont recommend using 100% of your aggr. For performance reasons its recommended to fill it to 90%.

2. Are you using snapshots and are you aware of your daily change rate? If so you can use that information and be a bit

   better prepared than taking all your space in one go and hope for the best.




Hello Eric,

here is the output of the command:

Aggregate 'aggr0'

    Total space    WAFL reserve    Snap reserve    Usable space       BSR NVLOG           A-SIS

         2124GB           212GB            95GB          1816GB             0GB             0GB

Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate

Volume                          Allocated            Used       Guarantee

vol0                                 33GB             0GB          volume

vol1                               1780GB             2GB          volume

Aggregate                       Allocated            Used           Avail

Total space                        1814GB             3GB             2GB

Snap reserve                         95GB             1GB            94GB

WAFL reserve


I believe that we don't use space reserver on the volume, but i can be wrong offcourse.


Hi Bosworx,

If you look in the output under the Guarantee column you'll see that both vol0 and vol1 show a "volume" guarantee (Space Reserve). This means that each volume *is* reserving its entire allocated size from the parent aggregate, hence why you see the aggregate as 100% used. Vol0, as the root volume, requires that the guarantee to be set to volume but other volumes, such as vol1, can usually have any guarantee setting (none, file, or volume) that is adequate.

If you were to change the guarantee on vol1 from volume to none you would reduce the aggregate usage from 100% to only 2-4% (majority of which is the space reserve on vol0).

Most likely on the other filers you either didn't fully size the volume to the whole aggregate or you have the guarantee set to something other than "volume". Let us know if you have any more questions.

Best Regards,

Adam S.


Hello Adam,

I agree and that's exactly how I understood. However, when I look at my production filers (all 3 of them) I see the the following which explains everything. The big unknown is how I accomplished to have the volume guarantee on vol1 to "volume (disabled)".

So I have two choices: set the volume guarantee to none or somehow set it to "volume (disabled)" on my new filer which I prefer because I want them all to be the same. (Although the outcome would be the same)

Production Filers:

aggr show_space

Aggregate 'aggr0'

    Total space    WAFL reserve    Snap reserve    Usable space       BSR NVLOG           A-SIS

   2228056064KB     222805604KB     100262520KB    1904987940KB             0KB             0KB

Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate

Volume                          Allocated            Used       Guarantee

vol0                           34809956KB       1143188KB          volume

vol1                         1167104024KB    1158794792KB volume(disabled)

Aggregate                       Allocated            Used           Avail

Total space                  1201913980KB    1159937980KB     702936080KB

Snap reserve                  100262520KB      16693048KB      83569472KB

WAFL reserve                  222805604KB      23092756KB     199712848KB

Best Regards,



Hi Wilco,

Volume(disabled) is more or less an error condition. Its not something you would explicitly set. What it means is that the volume had/has a guarantee set to volume, but has failed to be able to fully honor that guarantee and has hence disabled the guarantee... most likely this is due to the aggregate running out of space (perhaps because it was guaranteed elsewhere.)  Did you used to have a 3rd volume on this aggregate?

The following links may be helpful:



As you now have space available you may be able to set the guarantee to none and then back to volume to resolve the issue on the existing filer.

Best Regards,

Adam S.


Hi Adam,

I resized the volume to about 99% of the aggregate and all is well now.

The Guarantee on vol1 is "volume" again. I did this to all Filers.

Our configuration now is:

1 aggregate:

all 12 (266GB) disks (2 spare, 2 dp)

2 volumes:

vol0 (32GB) root volume (Space guarantee: volume)

vol1 (1,7TB) data volume (Space guarantee: volume)

3 LUN's:

LUN1 (888GB) (Not Space Reserved)

LUN2 (888GB) (Not Space Reserved)

LUN3 (888GB) (Not Space Reserved)

With this configuration I'm correct into thinking the -most- important value to check is the vol1 usage, right?

I'm thinking about deleting LUN3 because I don't see the Netapp Thin Provisioning our already Thin Provisioned Vmware VM's.

But that is a whole different discussion


Mark Frelink
