Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

CDOT PowerShell toolkit 3.2.1 cmdlets


Hi All,


NetApp newbie here.


In the coming month we're going to implement CDOT in our environment, we're currently using the previous version and we have lots of scripts in Orchestrator that uses PowerShell toolkit for provisioning server storage. It's my tasks to review the old scripts we're using and to modify the scripts to adapt it to the new cmdlets introduced in PowerShell toolkit 3.2. I reviewed the documentation and release notes and found out that most of the command have been renamed (actually they set aliases on the psm1 file) to for example Get-Naxxx to Get-Ncxxx. But there are other cmdlets that I cannot find in PowerShell toolkit 3.2.1 like Get-NaSnapmirrorSchedule. while other cmdlets like Get-NaSystemInfo has been renamed to Get-NcNodeInfo in CDOT.

Is there any particular list of updated cmdlets or cmdlets that have been remove that I can review to be able to find out those old cmdlets that we cannot use when moving our scripts to CDOT? Or do I just need to modify the commands to use xxx-Ncxxx instead of xxx-Naxxx? 


Thanks in advance.




