Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

powershell cmdlet that gives cifs stat info


Hi ,

I'm running version 2.1 of the powershell toolkit, is there a cmdlet that give me the same information as the "cifs stat" command run from the console?

For Example:

      cifs stat

                              reject        0  0%

                               mkdir        0  0%

                               rmdir        0  0%

                                open        0  0%

                              create        0  0%

                               close      627  2%

                             X&close        0  0%

                               flush        0  0%

                             X&flush        0  0%

                              delete        0  0%

                              rename        1  0%

                            NTRename        0  0%

                              getatr        0  0%

                              setatr        0  0%

                                read        0  0%

                              X&read        0  0%

                               write        0  0%

                             X&write        0  0%

                                lock        0  0%

                              unlock        0  0%

                               mknew        0  0%

                              chkpth        0  0%

                                exit        0  0%

                               lseek        0  0%

                            lockread        0  0%

                          X&lockread        0  0%

                         writeunlock        0  0%

                            readbraw        0  0%

                           writebraw        0  0%

                              writec        0  0%

                           gettattre        0  0%

                           settattre        0  0%

                            lockingX        1  0%

                                 IPC      233  1%

                               open2        0  0%

                         find_first2      116  0%

                          find_next2        9  0%

                       query_fs_info      264  1%

                     query_path_info      789  3%

                       set_path_info        0  0%

                     query_file_info      847  3%

                       set_file_info      260  1%

                         create_dir2        0  0%

                        Dfs_referral      563  2%

                          Dfs_report        0  0%

                                echo        0  0%

                          writeclose        0  0%

                               openX        0  0%

                               readX      413  1%

                              writeX     3523 11%

                           findclose        0  0%

                                tcon        0  0%

                                tdis      499  2%

                             negprot     1911  6%

                               login     5919 19%

                              logout     2777  9%

                               tconX    11530 37%

                             dskattr        0  0%

                              search        0  0%

                              fclose        3  0%

                           NTCreateX      733  2%

                       NTTransCreate        0  0%

                        NTTransIoctl        0  0%

                       NTTransNotify      285  1%

                       NTTransSetSec        0  0%

                     NTTransQuerySec        0  0%

                    NTNamedPipeMulti        0  0%

                         NTCancel CN       16  0%

                      NTCancel Other        0  0%

                            SMB2Echo        0  0%

                         SMB2Negprot        0  0%

                    SMB2TreeConnnect        0  0%

                  SMB2TreeDisconnect        0  0%

                           SMB2Login        0  0%

                          SMB2Create        0  0%

                            SMB2Read        0  0%

                           SMB2Write        0  0%

                            SMB2Lock        0  0%

                          SMB2Unlock        0  0%

                      SMB2OplkBrkAck        0  0%

                          SMB2ChgNfy        0  0%

                           SMB2CLose        0  0%

                           SMB2Flush        0  0%

                          SMB2Logout        0  0%

                          SMB2Cancel        0  0%

                       SMB2IPCCreate        0  0%

                         SMB2IPCRead        0  0%

                        SMB2IPCWrite        0  0%

                        SMB2QueryDir        0  0%

              SMB2QueryFileBasicInfo        0  0%

               SMB2QueryFileStndInfo        0  0%

                SMB2QueryFileIntInfo        0  0%

                 SMB2QueryFileEAInfo        0  0%

                SMB2QueryFileFEAInfo        0  0%

               SMB2QueryFileModeInfo        0  0%

                SMB2QueryAltNameInfo        0  0%

             SMB2QueryFileStreamInfo        0  0%

                SMB2QueryNetOpenInfo        0  0%

                SMB2QueryAttrTagInfo        0  0%

                 SMB2QueryAccessInfo        0  0%

            SMB2QueryFileUnsupported        0  0%

                SMB2QueryFileInvalid        0  0%

                  SMB2QueryFSVolInfo        0  0%

                 SMB2QueryFSSizeInfo        0  0%

                  SMB2QueryFSDevInfo        0  0%

                 SMB2QueryFSAttrInfo        0  0%

               SMB2QueryFSFullSzInfo        0  0%

                SMB2QueryFSObjIdInfo        0  0%

                  SMB2QueryFSInvalid        0  0%

               SMB2QuerySecurityInfo        0  0%

                    SMB2SetBasicInfo        0  0%

                   SMB2SetRenameInfo        0  0%

                 SMB2SetFileLinkInfo        0  0%

                 SMB2SetFileDispInfo        0  0%

                   SMB2SetFullEAInfo        0  0%

                     SMB2SetModeInfo        0  0%

                    SMB2SetAllocInfo        0  0%

                      SMB2SetEOFInfo        0  0%

                  SMB2SetUnsupported        0  0%

                  SMB2SetInfoInvalid        0  0%

                 SMB2SetSecurityInfo        0  0%

             SMB2FsctlPipeTransceive        0  0%

                   SMB2FsctlPipePeek        0  0%

              SMB2FsctlEnumSnapshots        0  0%

               SMB2FsctlDfsReferrals        0  0%

                  SMB2FsctlSetSparse        0  0%

                SMB2FsctlSecureShare        0  0%

            SMB2FsctlFileUnsupported        0  0%

             SMB2FsctlIpcUnsupported        0  0%

                         cancel lock        0   

                           wait lock        0   

                       copy to align        1   

                        alignedSmall     2545   

                        alignedLarge     2544   

                     alignedSmallRel        0   

                     alignedLargeRel        0   

                       FidHashAllocs        1   

                       TidHashAllocs        0   

                       UidHashAllocs        0   

                            mbufWait        0   

                             nbtWait        0   

                            pBlkWait        0   

                    BackToBackCPWait        0   

                             cwaWait        0   

                   short msg prevent        0   

                         multipleVCs      437   

                         SMB signing        0   

                    mapped null user        0   

                          PDCupcalls        0   

                           nosupport        0   

                      read pipe busy        0   

                     write pipe busy        0   

                     trans pipe busy        0   

                    read pipe broken        0   

                   write pipe broken        0   

                   trans pipe broken        0   

                     queued writeraw        0   

                      nbt disconnect     1911   

                      smb disconnect        3   

                      dup disconnect        0   

                  OpLkBkXorBatchToL2        1   

                OpLkBkXorBatchToNone        0   

                      OpLkBkL2ToNone        0   

                    OpLkBkNoBreakAck        0   

                  OpLkBkNoBreakAck95        0   

                  OpLkBkNoBreakAckNT        0   

                    OpLkBkIgnoredAck        0   

                OpLkBkWaiterTimedOut        0   

                  OpLkBkDelayedBreak        0   

                 SharingErrorRetries        0   

                        FoldAttempts        0   

                         FoldRenames        0   

                  FoldRenameFailures        0   

                       FoldOverflows        0   

                      FoldDuplicates        0   

                     FoldWAFLTooBusy        0   

                     NoAllocCredStat        0   

                   RetryRPCcollision        0   

                        TconCloseTID        0   

                     GetNTAPExtAttrs        0   

                     SetNTAPExtAttrs        0   

                          SearchBusy        0   

                      ChgNfyNoMemory        0   

                      ChgNfyNewWatch       16   

                     ChgNfyLastWatch       16   

                   UsedMIDTblCreated        0   

                 UnusedMIDTblCreated        0   

                   InvalidMIDRejects        0   

                SMB2InvalidSignature        0   

           SMB2DurableCreateReceived        0   

          SMB2DurableCreateSucceeded        0   

          SMB2DurableReclaimReceived        0   

         SMB2DurableReclaimSucceeded        0   

          SMB2DurableHandlePreserved        0   

             SMB2DurableHandlePurged        0

            SMB2DurableHandleExpired        0

                     SMB2FileDirInfo        0

                 SMB2FileFullDirInfo        0

               SMB2FileIdFullDirInfo        0

                 SMB2FileBothDirInfo        0

               SMB2FileIdBothDirInfo        0

                   SMB2FileNamesInfo        0

              SMB2FileDirUnsupported        0

                       SMB2QueryInfo        0

                         SMB2SetInfo        0

                           SMB2Ioctl        0

              SMB2RelatedCompRequest        0

            SMB2UnRelatedCompRequest        0

                     SMB2FileRequest        0

                     SMB2PipeRequest        0

                  SMB2_1_LeaseBreaks        0

                SMB2_1_LeaseUpgrades        0

            SMB2_1_LeaseBreakExcuses        0

        SMB2_1_LeaseBreakAckTimeouts        0

            SMB2_1_HandleLeaseBreaks        0

            SMB2_1_LeaseBreaksToNone        0

        SMB2_1_LeaseBreakAcksIgnored        0

                       SMB2nosupport        0

Max Multiplex = 1, Max pBlk Exhaust = 0, Max pBlk Reserve Exhaust = 0

Max FIDs = 126, Max FIDs on one tree = 127

Max Searches on one tree = 1, Max Core Searches on one tree = 0

Max sessions = 5

Max trees = 4

Max shares = 5

Max session UIDs = 2, Max session TIDs = 2

Max locks = 126

Max credentials = 4

Max group SIDs per credential = 272

Max pBlks = 4144 Current pBlks = 4144 Num Logons = 0

Max reserved pBlks = 32 Current reserved pBlks = 32

Max gAuthQueue depth         = 2

Max gSMBBlockingQueue depth  = 2

Max gSMBTimerQueue depth     = 7

Max gSMBAlfQueue depth       = 1

Max gSMBRPCWorkerQueue depth = 1

Max gOffloadQueue depth      = 2

Local groups: builtins = 6, user-defined = 4, SIDs = 16

RPC group count = 10, RPC group active count = 0

Max Watched Directories = 3, Current Watched Directories = 0

Max Pending ChangeNotify Requests = 3, Current Pending ChangeNotify Requests = 0

Max Pending DeleteOnClose Requests = 12432, Current Pending DeleteOnClose Requests = 0

Is there a powershell cmdlet that displays this information?

I looked at get-nacifsstatistics - but that displays the top cifs clients, not the actual cifs service statistics.

If there isnt a cmdlet is there an easy way that I can get this info in a powershell script?





Hi, Neil.  There is no API, hence no cmdlet, to do that.  But you can use "Invoke-NaSsh cifs stat" plus some regular expressions to parse the output.
