Network and Storage Protocols

Windows 7 (domain computer) CIFS workstation PERMISSIONS


Hi all,

Just thought I'd pop this up and see if anyone else is getting this same issue as I'm currently out of ideas.....

We have a special vb script that runs on all our workstations (Windows XP and Vista) which's logs some vital information to a file on the filer once the worksation starts up and before the users login.  I have now been asked to make sure that our new image (Windows 7) also reports this information.

Currently to perform this task, I have a GPO which runs the vb script on the workstation.  It is called within the GPO -Startup/Scripts/Windows Settings/Computer Configuration.  No problems so far.

The script outputs the values to the log file on the san, the rights to this file are set as READ,WRITE and EXECUTE for the DOMAIN COMPUTERS group.  This is where the trouble starts.....

All Windows XP and Vista machines appear fine, Windows 7 workstations appear not to have access rights even though I've checked the workstations and they are in the Domain Computers group.

The scripts is working fine via GPO on the Windows 7 boxes as if I change the log file path to the local C: drive, but fails on the SAN

Any ideas, have a missed something?


