Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

OC 5.0 ProtectionManager Backup and DR Backup Policies


Hi ProtectionManager community.

I've got a question/problem, which a customer made me aware of with OCC 5.0 ProtectionManager.

I have a dataset that contains a primary volume used for file services (volume was manually assigned to primary node, and protection and secondary provisioning policy applied).

I tried with Protection Policy of type "Backup" (SnapVault) and also "DR Backup" (QSM).

I define a daily schedule at 10:00 pm for the primary node (primary snapshot), and also a schedule at 10:05 pm for the primary-to-secondary connection (using snapvault or qsm respectively).

What I'd expect PM to do is that it creates the primary snapshot (backup version at 10:00), and then transfers this latest snapshot (the daily backup created on primary) to the secondary node at 10:05. So the secondary contains the 10:00 pm version afterwards. Unfortunately it does not. It creates a new Snapvault or QSM baseline snapshot at 10:05 pm (calls it dfpm_base... it does not even follow naming conventions) and transfers this second snap over to secondary.


1. Why?

2. How to change that?

This behaviour happens as long as the dataset is a "normal" dataset created manually using NMC 3.1. does not happen for "Application" datasets, e.g.  datasets which were created by SnapManagers or SnapCreator.

My customer would like the "normal" dataset to behave just like an "application" dataset (the transfer schedule "fetches" the last snapshot created by the primary node's schedule).

Any ideas

