Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

OnCommand System Manager recieves error 500


Good day, i am running OnCommand System Manager ver 3.1.1 on Windows.


Today, for the very first time, i have seen this issue: i can connect to my 3210 running DataONTAP 8.0.3P2 7-mode, but when i try to reach my new 2240 running DataONTAP 8.1.3P3 7-mode i recieve an error 500 "connection refused".


I have found this workaround: on the 2240s i have issued the command >options httpd.admin.enable on ;

after this the OnCommand System Manager probably still tries a secure connection, on the console i see errors like 

[hostname: HTTPPool03:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication failed from MyClientIP . 


But now i guess OnCommand System Manager falls back to a non secure connection, i see the question "do you want to set up a secure connection or continue without...", i answer "continue without" and i'm able to manage my filers again.


What's happened? Maybe something java updates related? Thanks in advance.



