Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Provisioning Manager volume recreation


Hi Guys,

I have a question about provisioning managers volume creation behaviour...  when I provision a new storage (cifs or nfs) I'll get a volume and qtree.... once I reach maxQtreesPerVolume a new volume is created and qtree's go there. 

Say for example I provision enough storage to have had vol01, vol02 & vol03 created..... if I were to destroy vol01 & vol02 and attempt to provision new storage, vol04, vol05 etc will be created.  Is there a way that new storage can be provisioned to fill in the sequential order of volume naming (i.e. recreate vol02 & vol03)?  I know I can 'vol rename' via CLI but, I'm wondering if there is anything through ProvMgr to do this.




Hi Scott,

     Good to see you after a long time in the community. You should have been really busy. As of today it does not do it. But we have made a change in the upcoming release namely OC 5.1 to accommodate old volume names that are in the dfm db and not in filer. Let me check the behavior and get back to you on this.




Hi Scott,

     I confirmed the behavior. What you are expecting is available in OC 5.1 which is currently in BETA. And expected soon.




Hey Adai,

Things have been busy and I have neglected the community... So much good info to catch up on!    To make life a little easier, we are now using ProvMgr more and more.... however, there are still a few 'gotchas' that limit some of what we want to do....

For the volume name reuse, I would like to see is a check box or an option in the provisioning policy that will allow re-use of volume names.  I can think of a couple use cases in my environment where I would want to reuse a volume name to keep it sequential order. At the same time, i have use cases where i would not want to reuse the name... applying this at the provisioning policy level would help with this level of granularity an option... and save effort on crafting a post-provisioning script or renaming through the CLI.

Also, on a side note but still in line with ProvMgr is that 'maxQtreesPerVolume' options.... I think it would be fantastic to allow this option to be configurable through the provisioning policy and setup per dataset rather than a global setting.... there are specific use cases where I may want the default 15 qtrees (or less) in a vol but there are other times I may want 50 (or more).... being able to define this per-dataset would be fantastic.


p.s. alpha testing 6.1 has been good fun! can't wait to see it in full prod... wondering if these type of suggestion can make the cut for OC6.0


Hey Scott,

As far as the "volume name reuse" is concerned ...... it's a global option in 5.1 (Adai can correct me if I'm wrong). But as far as "maxQtreesPerVolume" (including "maxLunsPerVolume") is concerned, it's specific to individual dataset except for the following:

- You can't specify it under a provisioning policy, you have to specify it under a dataset

     Which actually gives you a better granularity.

- You have to use the CLI option, here's an example

     "dfpm dataset set "dataset_name_or_id" maxQtreesPerVolume=1

Thanks and regards

Shiva Raja


perfect! I wasn't aware it was configurable to the dataset... I have been running "dfm options set maxQtreesPerVolume xx". 

Thank you !!!!


Hi Scott,

For the volume name reuse, I would like to see is a check box or an option in the provisioning policy that will allow re-use of volume names.  I can think of a couple use cases in my environment where I would want to reuse a volume name to keep it sequential order. At the same time, i have use cases where i would not want to reuse the name... applying this at the provisioning policy level would help with this level of granularity an option... and save effort on crafting a post-provisioning script or renaming through the CLI.

This is a very good suggestion.I have added this to the bug that fixed it in OnCommand 5.1 lets wait and watch if there would be any action on this in the future releases.

As shiva said, in 5.1 its a global option and not a protection policy/dataset level option.

Also, on a side note but still in line with ProvMgr is that 'maxQtreesPerVolume' options.... I think it would be fantastic to allow this option to be configurable through the provisioning policy and setup per dataset rather than a global setting.... there are specific use cases where I may want the default 15 qtrees (or less) in a vol but there are other times I may want 50 (or more).... being able to define this per-dataset would be fantastic

This options is just like any other volume full threshold options.Which is at global and individual volume level too. The default value for this options is 15 and is a hidden option.

If you would like to tune this at global level do the following.

[root@ ~]# dfm options set maxQtreesPerVolume=10

Changed maximum qtrees per volume to 10.

[root@ ~]#

[root@~]# dfm options list |grep -i maxQtreesPerVolume

maxQtreesPerVolume                    10


If you want to have a different value than the global value of 10 ( in my case as i changed it) for a specific dataset you can set it for that dataset as follows.

[root@ ~]# dfpm dataset set 6410 maxQtreesPerVolume=2

Changed maxQtreesPerVolume for 6410 to 2.

[root@ ~]#

[root@vmlnx208-161 ~]# dfpm dataset get 6410

Maximum qtrees that can be provisioned out of a volume:                                                       2

Allow custom volume settings on provisioned volumes:                                                       No

Enable periodic write guarantee checks on SAN datasets:                                                       Yes

[root@vmlnx208-161 ~]#


