Data Backup and Recovery

SnapCreator 3.5 - snapvault restore


Hi all,

I cannot find an option how to restore snapvault data from SnapCreator 3.5 gui.

How can I restore this data?




Hi Michael,

There isnt an option for it in GUI

The CLI has ability to do a snapvault restore but this really only makes sense if it is NFS, remember in snapvault the qtree is restored or recovered.

Otherwise you can clone the snapvault volume. SImply make a new config which points at snapvault volume and use the mount / umount options in CLI

If this is NFS easiest thing is just mount the secondary volume to do restore.

SC 3.6 will have mount and umount options in GUI but there will be no snapvault restore interface in GUI in 3.6 either, maybe 4.0...most people simply dont do snapvault restores, they either mount or clone to do restore of secondary.

Here is example of snapvault restore interface in CLI:

ktenzer@scdev:~/sandbox/SC-Framework/core> ./snapcreator --profile 443 --action restore --policy daily --verbose

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:24 2012] INFO: Logfile timestamp: 20120419095224

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:24 2012] INFO: Plugin validation skipped for, no plugin parameters file found or no parameters set

########## Parsing Environment Parameters ##########

########## PRE RESTORE COMMANDS ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:24 2012] INFO: No commands defined


### You have chosen to do a snap restore on one or more volumes for the Config: 443 Policy: daily ###

Are you sure you want to continue (y|n)? y

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for aruba1 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Management interface for aruba1 detected, using for communications

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for cuba2 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Management interface for cuba2 detected, using for communications

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:59 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 finished successfully

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:59 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri2

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:59 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri2 finished successfully

01. Primary View

02. Secondary View

Select a View (enter a number or "q" to quit): 02

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for aruba1 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:03 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:03 2012] INFO: Management interface for aruba1 detected, using for communications

### Volume Menu for aruba1 ###

01. sc_qa_pri1_SV

Select a volume for snapshot restore (enter a number, "n" for next filer, "c" to continue, or "q" to quit): 01

########## Gathering Information for aruba1:sc_qa_pri1_SV ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:05 2012] INFO: Performing Snapshot Inventory for sc_qa_pri1_SV on aruba1

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:05 2012] INFO: Snapshot Inventory of sc_qa_pri1_SV on aruba1 completed Successfully

### Snapshot Menu for aruba1:sc_qa_pri1_SV ###

01. db2prd-SV_daily_20120418154611 (Apr 18 2012 15:55:30)

02. db2prd-SV_daily_20120418111631 (Apr 18 2012 11:25:50)

03. db2prd-daily_20110728162841 (Jul 28 2011 15:30:54)

Select a snapshot for restore (enter a number or "q" to quit): 01

### Restore Menu for aruba1:sc_qa_pri1_SV snapshot db2prd-SV_daily_20120418154611 ###

01. Qtree Restore

Select a restore type (enter a number, "q" to quit): 01

### Qtree Menu for aruba1 ###

01. /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/nonqtreedata

02. /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree1

03. /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2

04. /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree3

Select a qtree for aruba1:sc_qa_pri1_SV to restore (enter a number, or "q" to quit): 03

Do you want to restore to original location for /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 [cuba2:/vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree2] (y|n): y

WARN: Before restoring Qtree cuba2:/vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree2 you should unmount or unmap the file system

WARN: You are about to restore aruba1:/vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 to cuba2:/vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree2 using snapshot db2prd-SV_daily_20120418154611

Are you sure you want to continue (y|n)?y

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for cuba2 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:22 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:22 2012] INFO: Management interface for cuba2 detected, using for communications

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:32 2012] INFO: Snapvault Restore for source aruba1:/vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 using snapshot db2prd-SV_daily_20120418154611 Started Successfully

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:32 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:32 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 finished successfully

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:32 2012] WARN: Snapvault Restore on source aruba1:/vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 is running, status transferring! Sleeping 1 minute

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:32 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:33 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 finished successfully

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:33 2012] INFO: Snapvault Restore on source aruba1:/vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 finished successfully

########## Gathering Information for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:35 2012] INFO: Performing Snapshot Inventory for sc_qa_pri1 on cuba2

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:35 2012] INFO: Snapshot Inventory of sc_qa_pri1 on cuba2 completed Successfully

INFO: Snapvault Restore snapshot cuba2(0118077234)_sc_qa_pri1_qtree2-dst.5 on cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 needs to be cleaned up

Would you like to delete cuba2(0118077234)_sc_qa_pri1_qtree2-dst.5 on cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 (y|n)?y

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:54 2012] INFO: Snapshot Delete of cuba2(0118077234)_sc_qa_pri1_qtree2-dst.5 on cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 completed Successfully

### Volume Menu for aruba1 ###

01. sc_qa_pri1_SV

Select a volume for snapshot restore (enter a number, "n" for next filer, "c" to continue, or "q" to quit): c

########## POST RESTORE COMMANDS ##########

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:57 2012] INFO: No commands defined


########## Snap Creator Community Release 3.6.0c (dev build) finished successfully ##########

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:57 2012] INFO: INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework finished successfully ( Action: restore )

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:57 2012] INFO: Sending Success msg to external system [echo success]

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:57 2012] INFO: Sending Success msg to external system [echo success] finished successfully



View solution in original post



Hi Michael,

There isnt an option for it in GUI

The CLI has ability to do a snapvault restore but this really only makes sense if it is NFS, remember in snapvault the qtree is restored or recovered.

Otherwise you can clone the snapvault volume. SImply make a new config which points at snapvault volume and use the mount / umount options in CLI

If this is NFS easiest thing is just mount the secondary volume to do restore.

SC 3.6 will have mount and umount options in GUI but there will be no snapvault restore interface in GUI in 3.6 either, maybe 4.0...most people simply dont do snapvault restores, they either mount or clone to do restore of secondary.

Here is example of snapvault restore interface in CLI:

ktenzer@scdev:~/sandbox/SC-Framework/core> ./snapcreator --profile 443 --action restore --policy daily --verbose

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:24 2012] INFO: Logfile timestamp: 20120419095224

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:24 2012] INFO: Plugin validation skipped for, no plugin parameters file found or no parameters set

########## Parsing Environment Parameters ##########

########## PRE RESTORE COMMANDS ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:24 2012] INFO: No commands defined


### You have chosen to do a snap restore on one or more volumes for the Config: 443 Policy: daily ###

Are you sure you want to continue (y|n)? y

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for aruba1 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Management interface for aruba1 detected, using for communications

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for cuba2 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Management interface for cuba2 detected, using for communications

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:58 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:59 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 finished successfully

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:59 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri2

[Thu Apr 19 09:52:59 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri2 finished successfully

01. Primary View

02. Secondary View

Select a View (enter a number or "q" to quit): 02

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for aruba1 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:03 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:03 2012] INFO: Management interface for aruba1 detected, using for communications

### Volume Menu for aruba1 ###

01. sc_qa_pri1_SV

Select a volume for snapshot restore (enter a number, "n" for next filer, "c" to continue, or "q" to quit): 01

########## Gathering Information for aruba1:sc_qa_pri1_SV ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:05 2012] INFO: Performing Snapshot Inventory for sc_qa_pri1_SV on aruba1

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:05 2012] INFO: Snapshot Inventory of sc_qa_pri1_SV on aruba1 completed Successfully

### Snapshot Menu for aruba1:sc_qa_pri1_SV ###

01. db2prd-SV_daily_20120418154611 (Apr 18 2012 15:55:30)

02. db2prd-SV_daily_20120418111631 (Apr 18 2012 11:25:50)

03. db2prd-daily_20110728162841 (Jul 28 2011 15:30:54)

Select a snapshot for restore (enter a number or "q" to quit): 01

### Restore Menu for aruba1:sc_qa_pri1_SV snapshot db2prd-SV_daily_20120418154611 ###

01. Qtree Restore

Select a restore type (enter a number, "q" to quit): 01

### Qtree Menu for aruba1 ###

01. /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/nonqtreedata

02. /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree1

03. /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2

04. /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree3

Select a qtree for aruba1:sc_qa_pri1_SV to restore (enter a number, or "q" to quit): 03

Do you want to restore to original location for /vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 [cuba2:/vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree2] (y|n): y

WARN: Before restoring Qtree cuba2:/vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree2 you should unmount or unmap the file system

WARN: You are about to restore aruba1:/vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 to cuba2:/vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree2 using snapshot db2prd-SV_daily_20120418154611

Are you sure you want to continue (y|n)?y

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for cuba2 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:22 2012] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:22 2012] INFO: Management interface for cuba2 detected, using for communications

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:32 2012] INFO: Snapvault Restore for source aruba1:/vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 using snapshot db2prd-SV_daily_20120418154611 Started Successfully

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:32 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:32 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 finished successfully

[Thu Apr 19 09:53:32 2012] WARN: Snapvault Restore on source aruba1:/vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 is running, status transferring! Sleeping 1 minute

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:32 2012] INFO: Getting Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:33 2012] INFO: Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 finished successfully

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:33 2012] INFO: Snapvault Restore on source aruba1:/vol/sc_qa_pri1_SV/qtree2 finished successfully

########## Gathering Information for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 ##########

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:35 2012] INFO: Performing Snapshot Inventory for sc_qa_pri1 on cuba2

[Thu Apr 19 09:54:35 2012] INFO: Snapshot Inventory of sc_qa_pri1 on cuba2 completed Successfully

INFO: Snapvault Restore snapshot cuba2(0118077234)_sc_qa_pri1_qtree2-dst.5 on cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 needs to be cleaned up

Would you like to delete cuba2(0118077234)_sc_qa_pri1_qtree2-dst.5 on cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 (y|n)?y

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:54 2012] INFO: Snapshot Delete of cuba2(0118077234)_sc_qa_pri1_qtree2-dst.5 on cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 completed Successfully

### Volume Menu for aruba1 ###

01. sc_qa_pri1_SV

Select a volume for snapshot restore (enter a number, "n" for next filer, "c" to continue, or "q" to quit): c

########## POST RESTORE COMMANDS ##########

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:57 2012] INFO: No commands defined


########## Snap Creator Community Release 3.6.0c (dev build) finished successfully ##########

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:57 2012] INFO: INFO: NetApp Snap Creator Framework finished successfully ( Action: restore )

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:57 2012] INFO: Sending Success msg to external system [echo success]

[Thu Apr 19 10:03:57 2012] INFO: Sending Success msg to external system [echo success] finished successfully


