Data Backup and Recovery

SnapInfo daily backup failure message


Hi there (first post here 🙂 )

I have been told by others that this is the place to be if you experience any issues regarding our NetApp and NetApp tools, so here I am with an issue that maybe someone will be able to help out with.

We perform daily backups/snaps using the SQL SnapManager and just in the last few days we have had an issue where the majority of our databases are backed up with no issues.   We do though have an issue with the msdb database located on our SnapInfo LUN (S:) which gives us the following error:

**** FULL DATABASE BACKUP RESULT SUMMARY **** Backup Time: Date Here Backup Group [#1]:
#1 : [cluster name - master] : OK
#2 : [cluster name - model] : OK
#3 : [cluster name - msdb] Error : Failed to backup database.
#3 : [cluster name - msdb] Error Details: [SQL-DMO API Error]: Source: Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000) Error Message: IDispatch error #2759

Description: A nonrecoverable I/O error occurred on file "S:\_SNPINFO\SMSQL_SnapInfo\SQL__clustername\DB__msdb\FG__\StreamFullBackup\DateHere__msdb__Daily.FBK:" 112(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105).
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
The backup of one or more databases failed.

This is the first time we have experience this issue and so was looking to see if anyone could point us in the right direction maybe?



Hi ,

Can you please share the full backup report ? Also please share how is the volume layout of the db’s …Do you have System Db’s on a separate volume and following our best practice guide ?

Also please provide the exact version of SMSQL you are using .





Have you checked how much free space is available on your S: Drive. If you traverse through the folder structure of the DB which is failing \FG_\StreamFullBackup you will probably find that you have a _Daily.FBK backup which may be out of date or the last time it was successfully backed up. Either copy to a new location on another drive, or just delete it if no longer required. This will free up vital free space. Rerun the backup job and see if this rectifies the issue. If this rectifies the issue, then it may be worth increasing the size of your S: Drive in the event that this happens again taking into account any growth factor of the DB.

