ONTAP Discussions

After breaking SM CIFS 32-bit Volume contained inside 64 bit-aggr , what happens to all 32-bit snaps


Hi All,


I have a CIFS volume of size 4TB of which 800 GB is 32-bit snapshots, the volume is part of the older 32-bit aggr Mirrored to 64-bit aggregate.


My questions : When the SnapMirror is broken, what happens to all the 32-bit snaps ?  

Do they remain as is once the Mirror is broken-off, and becomes useless ? Any idea ?


Even if I do in-place upgrade to 64 bit on the source, 32-bit are locked inodes so they cannot be anyway  expanded so they are useless. Is it a good idea to copy those snaps to anthoner 32-bit aggregate, just in case we need to retreive a file from previous snapshot ? 





As migration completed successfully, I have the answer to my question.


Once SM is broken-off, the 'volume status -v' command correctly shows 64-bit now,  instead of 32-bit as seen before the Mirror was broken-off. All the 32-bit snaps remains as is, they will be cycled-off/deleted before the data is moved to cDOT.  


Internally, WAFL is runing a background task to upgrade the indirect blocks to 64-bit which can be seen via - wafl scan status command from - advanced mode.


Are blocks in Snapshot copies also converted to the 64-bit format?
Answer: No. Snapshot copies are read-only and are not updated by the expansion process. The expansion process updates only the indirect blocks in the active file system.

View solution in original post



As migration completed successfully, I have the answer to my question.


Once SM is broken-off, the 'volume status -v' command correctly shows 64-bit now,  instead of 32-bit as seen before the Mirror was broken-off. All the 32-bit snaps remains as is, they will be cycled-off/deleted before the data is moved to cDOT.  


Internally, WAFL is runing a background task to upgrade the indirect blocks to 64-bit which can be seen via - wafl scan status command from - advanced mode.


Are blocks in Snapshot copies also converted to the 64-bit format?
Answer: No. Snapshot copies are read-only and are not updated by the expansion process. The expansion process updates only the indirect blocks in the active file system.
