ONTAP Discussions

Unable to set a Volume ONLINE


We have just replaced a faulty HD into a FAS2020 we set the volume OFFLINE and we allocate the new HD when we  tried to set the Volume back online we had this error message.

We believe that it can not be a problem of space because the volume prior the HD change was storing just 450GBytes of data...

Any Idea...?


Please find here below the screenshot for your convenience.

login as: root

root@'s password:

  RSVNAS01> aggr status

           Aggr State      Status            Options

          aggr0 online     raid_dp, aggr     root

RSVNAS01> vol status

         Volume State      Status            Options

           vol0 online     raid_dp, flex     root, create_ucode=on,


       vol_cifs offline    raid_dp, flex

RSVNAS01> vol online vol_cifs

vol online: Unable to online volume as space cannot be guaranteed for the volume                      .

RSVNAS01> vol status

         Volume State      Status            Options

           vol0 online     raid_dp, flex     root, create_ucode=on,


       vol_cifs offline    raid_dp, flex

RSVNAS01> vol online vol_cifs

vol online: Unable to online volume as space cannot be guaranteed for the volume.



This may occur if you have your space guarantee on your volume set to "volume", but not enough space in the aggregate to accommodate the full volume size.  Space and fractional reserve can play into this too.  Can you post the results of the following commands?

aggr status show space -g

df -g

vol status -v

snap reserve -V (CAPITAL V)

This should help us determine if this is the case exactly.  If all you did was replace a HDD of the same size then I'm not sure offhand why this would happen.  WHen your previous HDD went bad your hot spare should have replaced it automatically (assuming you had one) and nothing should have changed size-wise. 


I've run the commands that you send to me please find here below the results:

RSVNAS01> aggr show_space -g

Aggregate 'aggr0'

      Total space    WAFL reserve    Snap reserve    Usable space       BSR NVLOG

         4138GB           413GB           186GB          3538GB             0GB

  Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate

  Volume                          Allocated            Used       Guarantee

    vol0                                 20GB             0GB          volume

     vol_cifs                            204GB           204GB       (offline)

Aggregate                       Allocated            Used           Avail

Total space                         224GB           205GB          3313GB

Snap reserve                        186GB             0GB           185GB

WAFL reserve                        413GB             0GB           413GB


RSVNAS01> df -g

Filesystem               total       used      avail capacity  Mounted on

/vol/vol0/                16GB        0GB       15GB       2%  /vol/vol0/

/vol/vol0/.snapshot        4GB        0GB        3GB       1%  /vol/vol0/.snapshot


RSVNAS01> vol status

         Volume State      Status            Options

           vol0 online     raid_dp, flex     root, create_ucode=on, convert_ucode=on

       vol_cifs offline    raid_dp, flex


RSVNAS01> snap reserve -V

Volume vol0: current snapshot reserve is 20% or 4194304 k-bytes.


THis should bring it online:

vol options vol_cifs guarantee none

vol online vol_cifs

The only concern I have is that you *should* be able to use a volume guarantee on this volume given the space you have available and I'm wondering why it's not allowing it.  You probably should not leave the guarantee at none or you may run into issues down the road if the volume grows.

Please rerun the commands I gave you above and report the output once the vol_cifs is online.  Unfortunately, I can't see the options I need to when it's offline.


Bad Luck...

RSVNAS01> vol options vol_cifs guarantee none

Vol options: Volume 'vol_cifs' is not online

RSVNAS01> vol online vol_cifs

vol online: Unable to online volume as space cannot be guaranteed for the volume


This means they have thin-provisioned the volume, and the containing aggr now does not have enough space to meet the garantee to volume. So it offlines the vol as a way of protecting the data.

Consider a scenario where you have a 100 GB aggr, If you thin provision, you could have (3) 50 GB volumes with no space guarantee online at the same time. Great! Make it appear to the users like you have space, add the disks to actually have the space later.

However, if you set the space garantee to "volume" you have to have all that space available NOW as a way of protecting that data. If you can't guarantee that space, you will see the error you got. It simply will not online the volume.


Try onlining the volume with the -f option.

vol online [vol name] -f


Once you get the volume online though, I highly recommend finding out what is taking the extra space and removing it so you can get your volume guarantee back.


Using the last command that you guys posted I finally get the volume online here are the results:

vol online vol_cifs -f

Mon Feb 13 08:14:09 CET [RSVNAS01: wafl.vol.guarantee.fail:error]: Space for vol                            ume vol_cifs is NOT guaranteed.

Share MSSData activated.

Share Snapshot activated.

Mon Feb 13 08:14:09 CET [RSVNAS01: cifs.shares.activated:info]: Activated 2 CIFS                             shares on the volume vol_cifs.

exportfs [Line 2]: Export of local volume /vol/vol_cifs requires nfs license

Volume 'vol_cifs' is now online.

RSVNAS01> aggr show_space -g

Aggregate 'aggr0'

    Total space    WAFL reserve    Snap reserve    Usable space       BSR NVLOG

         4138GB           413GB           186GB          3538GB             0GB

Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate

Volume                          Allocated            Used       Guarantee

vol0                                 20GB             0GB          volume

vol_cifs                            204GB           204GB volume(disabled)

Aggregate                       Allocated            Used           Avail

Total space                         224GB           204GB          3313GB

Snap reserve                        186GB             0GB           185GB

WAFL reserve                        413GB             0GB           413GB

RSVNAS01> df -g

Filesystem               total       used      avail capacity  Mounted on

/vol/vol0/                16GB        0GB       15GB       2%  /vol/vol0/

/vol/vol0/.snapshot        4GB        0GB        3GB       1%  /vol/vol0/.snapshot

/vol/vol_cifs/          2814GB      203GB     2610GB       7%  /vol/vol_cifs/

/vol/vol_cifs/.snapshot      703GB        0GB      703GB       0%  /vol/vol_cifs/.snapshot

RSVNAS01> snap reserve -V

Volume vol0: current snapshot reserve is 20% or 4194304 k-bytes.

Volume vol_cifs: current snapshot reserve is 20% or 737778072 k-bytes.

Thank you very much for your support
