ONTAP Discussions

disk reads at 10MB/s with no user activity at all



As the title suggests I see (using sysstat) that our filer is busy reading from the disk with 10MB/s with no user activity at all.

I am attaching some more detailed performance stats and how they were gathered.

Can someone sched light on this?

There are snapmirrors configured but they are idle and there are no changes at the moment anyway.




According to support this is normal. "The only reason you would have 0 across all these fields is if the filer was turned off."

Even so, it is strange that sometimes it's really low (close to 0) and sometimes really high (I believe I saw values around 1GB/s)........

CPU   Total     Net   kB/s    Disk   kB/s    Tape   kB/s  Cache  Cache    CP  CP  Disk

       ops/s      in    out    read  write    read  write    age    hit  time  ty  util

25%       0       0      0  125648     16       0      0    20s    93%    0%  -    80%

23%       0       1      0  186792      0       0      0    20s    95%    0%  -    94%

22%       0       1      0  193341     21       0      0    20s    94%    0%  -    81%

88%       0       1      0  801715      0       0      0    36s    84%   66%  Z    91%

48%       0       1      0  466656   1859       0      0    36s   100%   56%  :    51%

  1%       0       1      0    7168      5       0      0    36s   100%    0%  -     5%

52%       0       1      0  989968     16       0      0    36s    90%    0%  -    93%

48%       0       1      0  935253      0       0      0    36s   100%    0%  -    98%

47%       0       1      0  930139     16       0      0    36s   100%    0%  -    95%

51%       0       0      0  993280      5       0      0    36s   100%    0%  -    97%

50%       0       1      0  984752     16       0      0    36s   100%    0%  -    97%

14%       0       1      0  263008   1485       0      0    36s    99%   16%  T    33%

10%       0       1      0  193541     21       0      0    36s   100%    0%  -    24%
