Network and Storage Protocols

Copy entire CIFS shares to non Netapp filer QNAP - NTFS spaghetti


Hi I have a Netapp filer (NetApp Release 7.3.2) with many different CIF shares configured for NTFS security style. These shares all need to be copied to a (QNAP) at a file / folder level.

The hard part...

The architect and Windows domain admin are no longer with the company, no documentation. Custom NTFS security, domain admins locked out of many folders, the security is a complete mess.

I do have ROOT access to the Netapp filer. I also have domain admin access / DC access to the Windows domain.


I am looking for a solution to copy every single file/folder contained in each of the CIF shares (without missing any). I am trying to copy to a QNAP which doesn't support NDMP.

I can MAP via Windows into all the CIFS shares however i don't have access to all directories / sub folders or in many cases the ability / time to change owner.

What i am looking for is a way to use Netapp ROOT to push all the data off onto another device and ensure i haven't missed a file.

Why am i trying to do this? I have been given a legal requirement to copy all data off (everything) and store it (QNAP) for legal preservation for use in court at a later date.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate your time.

Kind Regards,




First remove the access to all the doamin user .

cifs access -delete share [ -g ] user

Now from filer give new permission to everyone

cifs access share everyone Full Control

then  you will have access to each and every folder .

else you can pase the cifs shares output here . will give the commands .


Hi Sanjeev,

                 Thanks for replying. You're suggestion would work however..... (Its a long story) but basically the Filer is still in prod use so I cannot *remove* the current security.

Is there a way of either

- Using root on the filer to copy, push pull all the data (without altering the NTFS security)

or alternatively

- claiming ownership of all files folders (without deleting the current security settings) So basically "adding" and then saying inherit down the tree etc.

So Summary:

Company X has a NetApp Filer with many CIFS shares

Filer is still in use in production

Domain Admin, Filer admin gone from company.

All CIFS shares need to be copied off to a QNAP device for legal reasons.

The filer must not have the current security restrictions removed (home directories, group area's etc) adding a super user or taking ownership is ok.

The filer should not be taken down although this could be organized if there is no other way (but the security on the folders would need to be working once the system comes back online).

Thanks again for taking the time to read my problem.

Kind Regards,



1)Create a new dominuser .

2) From filer give him full permission using cifs access command .

3) Then copy it .

Hope it will work.

Otherwise do volume copy to  a diffrent volume and there you can change the permissions without affecting the current production.
