Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Create Quarterly Reports



I have been working through Ops Manager trying to create a report that accurately shows my Aggr growth for a rolling quarter.  It appears that the view I am looking for would be similar to the graphs that show 3 month growth for aggrs.  They have a nice trend line.  If I run reports right now it seems that the data they gather is for some smaller amount of time.  The trending seems to be more driven by recent events that do not hold true over the longer period (SnapShot rolling off).

I would like to schedule a report that runs every Monday that looks at the last 12 weeks worth of data.  This way I will see better trending.  I know the data is there, just not sure how to have it come out in a nice scheduled report, any ideas?  I am open to doing this in AutoSupport or in Ops Manager.. or in any of the other ways to get at NetApp metric data.






What version of OCUM or OpsMgr are you running?

View solution in original post




What version of OCUM or OpsMgr are you running?


Version 5.0.


Looks like for custom created reports we do not have this option to roll back to previous data. I would recommend to use the default performance reports pertaining to the Aggregate  ( for example Aggregate Performance Summary )

where you have the option to view the data ( for 1 day,1week,1 month, 3 months and year). Hope this helps.


Hi Seshu,

So I am not sure that what you are suggesting exists or that I know how to do it.  When I select an Aggregate Space Summary report and point it to a filer that has 3 aggrs in it I get a nice screen that shows total, used, used%, committed, committed %, Daily growth and days to full.  There is no graph and no where to select a different polling period.  This is where I run into my first question/issue with Ops Mgr Reports.  How is the daily growth rate calculated?  Without knowing the dates that it is averaging the data from it is pretty much useless I think.

Back to your suggestion of selecting a 1m or 3m period I can get to that if I click on the aggr link and look at the properties for that specific aggr. It is in there that I have the 1d, 1w, 1m, 3m and 1y option.  Those are nice and give a good trend line, but these are not scheduleable best I can tell and I need to go through each aggr and set each one to get this view and take a screen shot to be able to send something to my management.

I do appreciate the help and if you have other advice or if I am wrong in my understanding please let me know.





For Aggregate Space Summary report ,there are no graphs available. I mean,for some of the reports graphs are available ( for example under Monitoring if you choose capacity , then you will find Aggregate Capacity Graph), some reports are graph based, some are not. I would recommend to use the Aggregate Capacity Graph where you can see the trend between used vs total for each of the aggregates.

If you click the specific aggregate it will give more details of that aggregate and you can select the time period which you want to see the trend( say 1m or 3m period)

You can schedule the reports according to your convenience, click on the clock icon button on the extreme upper right hand side on the report page, once done it will take to schedule page and you can schedule the reports by clicking manage schedules after filling in the details.

>> You can even go to Oncommand UI dash board NMC and there click the reports section --> Detailed Reports-->Storage Capacity  ( under this section you can choose the reports of interest and then schedule accordingly).

In simple logic the daily growth rate is calculated in the following way :

1) The fsMonInterval  which is set for  15 minutes  keeps polling the filer ( fsmon engine code will poll the filer every 15 min by defualt as configured ) and will have the data stored in the data base in cumulative way.

say for a particular time period in a day of 24 hrs, it will have the cutoff  time to caluculate the growth rate percentage for that day based on the previous days growth rate.

The data from the previous days - the current cut  off day / the whole ( previous days data rate change + current day data rate change)

Please let me know if you still have any concerns on the same, if you still need some further clarification ,I can set up WebEx and will walk through the reports/schedules .




Hi Seshu,

Sorry I have been so slow to get back to you. Holiday weekend here and I chose to not do work from home.

I have run the Aggr Growth Rate report and the daily growth numbers still do not seem to represent reality.  Also, I cannot view the larger version of the graph in the scheduled report.  Also, not sure if the scheduled report is the 1d, 1w, 1m, 3m or the 1y view as there is no changing it.

As for the the math behind the growth rate, I need to read through it a couple more times to see if I can get a handle on it. Either way, the numbers that I get in any of the graphs that show a daily rate show so number that is way over what I see when I just to point in time collections and compare them over time.



Hi Keith,

     In case of DFM/OnCommand the history data capacity is stored in db and displayed via graphs as below

Also more details on historic data and graph is available in the below link

Storage Capacity Management using OnCommand Operations Manager


