Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Is it Possible to Perform Soft Quota Reporting?


I’m looking for some help here…

Bank of America is looking for a report within OperationsManager which shows soft quotas that have been reached however (a simple yes itwas reached/no it wasn’t report), I cannot find anything like this, and thebank is asking for this report today.

According to Operations Manager documentation, the SoftLimit (aka soft quota) represents when a qtree is considered to be “almostfull.”  That being the case, if a “qtree almost full” event is found, thesoft limit was hit.  This does not appear to be happening.

Soft  Limit


In  "Space Availability" report, this option specifies the threshold in  MBs at which a qtree is considered to be almost full. It is specified in the  /etc/quotas file on the storage system


If there is indeed no report that shows if/when a soft quotawas reached, what alternatives do we have to give a yes/no answer as to whetheror not a soft quota was reached?  Can a report/graph be created whichshows qtree size vs soft quota over time?





Check for the Event




Hi Chris,

               There is a report in DFM that does report on qtrees usage including soft quota.Below is the report on the same.

C:\Documents andSettings\Administrator>dfm report view qtrees-available 134

Object IDQtree    Storage Server Volume   Used  AvailableSoft Limit Disk Space Limit Available (%)

--------- ---------------------- -------- ----- --------- ---------- -----------------------------

134      cifsonly sim1          CifsOnly 12320     8160      5120           20480          39.8

Totals                                    12320      8160      5120           20480          39.8

C:\Documents andSettings\Administrator>

Where Softlimit is soft quotaand diskspacelimit is the hard quota.

screenshot of SM2.0 for verification.

The following DFM event arerasied only when hard quotas are breached.

[root@lnx186-118 ~]# dfmeventtype list | grep -i qtree.kbytes

qtree-almost-full                            Warning      qtree.kbytes

qtree-full                                   Error       qtree.kbytes

qtree-space-normal                           Normal       qtree.kbytes

[root@lnx186-118 ~]#

Where as there is a way to generateevent or rather trap from filer when soft quota is exceeded as follows.

In the filer set the DFM serveras trap host.

sim1*> snmp








traphosts: ( <>-----------This is my dfmserver ip


       ro public


Now I got the following events

C:\Documents andSettings\Administrator>dfm report view  snmp-traps-all 90

Event IDSeverity    Trap                   Received     Source ID Source Condition

-------- ----------------------------------- ------------ --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

255     NotificationquotaExceeded           25Aug 02:18 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=Quota Event: status=exceeded,type=soft, volume=CifsOnly, limit_item=disk, limit_value=5120, treeid=1

254     Notification softQuotaExceeded       25 Aug 02:1890        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=Soft block limit exceeded for tree1 on volume CifsOnly

253     NotificationquotaExceeded           25Aug 02:18 90        sim1   productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=QuotaEvent: status=exceeded, type=threshold, volume=CifsOnly, limit_item=disk,limit_value=4096, treeid=1

252     Notification softQuotaExceeded       25 Aug 02:1890        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=Threshold exceeded for tree 1 onvolume CifsOnly

175     Critical    shelfFault             25 Aug 01:56 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=Enclosure services has detected anerror in access to shelves on channel v0.

173     Warning      globalStatusNonCritical 25 Aug 01:5290        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0miscGlobalStatusMessage=/vol/auto_grow_test is full(using or reserving 100% of space and 9% of inodes, using 100% of reserve).

172     Alert       volumeFull             25 Aug 01:52 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=/vol/auto_grow_test is full (usingor reserving 100% of space and 9% of inodes, using 100% of reserve).

171     NotificationvolumeOnline           25 Aug 01:52 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=Volume aggr1 is online.

170     NotificationvolumeOnline           25 Aug 01:52 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=Volume aggr0 is online.

168     NotificationlinkUp                 25 Aug 01:52 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0ifIndex.X=3

167     NotificationlinkUp                 25 Aug 01:52 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0ifIndex.X=1

166     Information coldStart              25 Aug 01:52 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0

162     Critical    shelfFault             04 Aug 23:56 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=Enclosure services has detected anerror in access to shelves on channel v0.

161     Critical    shelfFault             04 Aug 22:56 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=Enclosure services has detected anerror in access to shelves on channel v0.

160     Critical    shelfFault             04 Aug 21:56 90        sim1  productSerialNum=987654-32-0productTrapData=Enclosure services has detected anerror in access to shelves on channel v0.

C:\Documents andSettings\Administrator>

Hope this helps.


