Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

vCenter 6.0 Datasource - Incorrect integer value:'' for volume 'id' at row 1


I'm trying to get vCenter 6.0 datasource setup and get this error. 




NOTE: it seems the error has a <return> between the single-quotes there ... forcing it onto a 2nd line. History log looks like this:




Here is background info:

  • pretty new ESXi 6.0u2 and vCenter (the VCSA applicance running on ESXi) 6.0
  • a single datacenter: tnt-hq
  • a single ESXi host,
  • VCSA is,
  • 2 local datastores
  • only 2 or 3 VMs

I pulled the vCenter 6.0 datasource from store today (v1.1)


Also pulled and downloaded PowerCLI today and got latest PowerCLI 6.3 (I could try other versions if helpful)


Restarted WFA Server; setup above Execution Datasoure and got only so far. I THINK the datasoure completed because it's log file exists (in attached). Couple of errors but seemed to complete. I think this error may be from WFA trying to read in the .CSV files.


I put together a .txt'ed  zip file holding the .log and .csv. DS log file below.


Any ideas? I see some errors in log below but not sure if serious. I also see a negative number in row-1,column-1 in Lun.csv 


Dave Korns


========== vcenter datasource log: =========


2016-04-22 15:55:42,795 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : ====== Data Source acquisition begins now =======
2016-04-22 15:55:42,952 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Trying to add PS Snapin for VMware
2016-04-22 15:55:43,827 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Get credentials for the VMware Host
2016-04-22 15:55:43,889 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Host credentials found successfully
2016-04-22 15:55:43,889 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Trying to connect to VMware Host
2016-04-22 15:55:45,967 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Connected Successfully
2016-04-22 15:55:46,327 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : For Datacenter tnt-hq
2016-04-22 15:55:48,092 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : In function addVmEntriesToVmFile
2016-04-22 15:55:58,358 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Failed to get LUN data from RuntimeName for Lun t10.ATA_____WDC_WD10EZEX2D08M2NA0_________________________WD2DWCC3F1KVN6FC. Using cmdlet Get-ScsiLunPath
2016-04-22 15:55:58,436 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Successfully obtained LUN data for lun : t10.ATA_____WDC_WD10EZEX2D08M2NA0_________________________WD2DWCC3F1KVN6FC
2016-04-22 15:55:58,451 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Failed to get LUN data from RuntimeName for Lun t10.ATA_____Corsair_Force_LE_SSD____________________1606801900010416008A. Using cmdlet Get-ScsiLunPath
2016-04-22 15:55:58,498 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Successfully obtained LUN data for lun : t10.ATA_____Corsair_Force_LE_SSD____________________1606801900010416008A
2016-04-22 15:55:58,498 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Disconneting from VMware Host
2016-04-22 15:55:58,577 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Disconneted Successfully
2016-04-22 15:55:58,577 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : Changing File Encoding to UTF8 without BOM
2016-04-22 15:55:58,623 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM INFO [VMware vCenter 6.0] : ========= Acquistion script completed =======








This bug got introduced in version 1.1 when another bug was fixed. It happens in cases where one of the .CSV files are empty. You see that in \WFA\jboss\standalone\tmp\wfa one of the .CSV files will be empty i.e. either you have no luns, or Nas_shares or VMs etc. 


I suggest you take the version 1.3 from here. This has a been fixed to handle the above and another vCenter PowerCLI bug as well. You may read about that in the the post. 



These issues have been identified and even fixed long back. But getting them on store takes a long time. Why? I don't know that.


That's why I often post them on Community page.







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