Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

AIQUM alert migration via API


I am wondering if anyone has tried to migrate the alerts from one instance of AIQUM to another instance using the API.  I tried a DB restore but started to have issues with the AIQUM performance and historical data.


I have over 400 alerts for our users and it's an undertaking to set them all again.  


I can list the Alerts via the API. Looks like I would have to gather the volume keys, in the output, and convert the keys to the volume names.  Then on the API alert creation look up the volume name find the key and use that for the alert creation.  The volume keys are different between instances.  


I was just wondering if anyone else has done this or something similar?





It's possible to create alerts using the REST API too. I uploaded an example script to create an alert in AIQUM here: 




PS C:\Scripts\PowerShell\Projects\AIQUM\Alerts> .\NewAlert.ps1 -Server -AlertName "test" -Description "testing" -Enabled $true -EventSeverities @("warning") -EventTypes @("Login Banner Disabled") -ResourceTyp
e cluster -ResourceKeys @("082b693d-8374-11ee-8d03-00a098ba68d6:type=cluster,uuid=082b693d-8374-11ee-8d03-00a098ba68d6") -Duration PT1000S -EmailAddresses @("admin@testlab.local") -StartTime PT9000S -EndTime PT18000S -Snmp
Trap $false -ScriptID "303537e5-480c-4980-88a8-5f067fd023a8" -ScriptName "Test.ps1" -Credential $credential -Include @("cluster1")

Hope that helps. I've developed functions for alerts and scripts and will include them in the AIQUM module.


Note: The only issue that is puzzling is that the REST API doesn't seem to have a property to set the "notifcation frequency" to "once" (you have to provide the starttime, endtime and duration frequency).



If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.

View solution in original post





Yes it's technically possible to create AIQUM Alerts programmatically (using either ZAPI or REST API's depending on which software version you using?). You can use the POST method for the endpoint "/api/management-server/alerts". EG:


  "action": {
    "notification": {
      "duration": "PT1000S",
      "emails": [
      "from": "PT9000S",
      "send_snmp_trap": false,
      "to": "PT18000S"
    "script": {
      "key": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7",
      "name": "script_2"
  "description": "This is a sample alert.",
  "enabled": true,
  "event": {
    "severities": [
    "types": [
      "Login Banner Disabled"
  "key": "02c9e252-41be-11e9-81d5-00a0986138f7",
  "name": "alert3",
  "resource": [
      "exclude": [
      "include": [
      "include_all": false,
      "keys": [
      "type": "cluster"



If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.


I know it's possible and was able to export the alerts from my old syste.  I was just wondering if someone has already accomplished a migration of alerts from one AIQUM server to another.  The issue is when creating an alert you need look up the key for what you are monitoring.  I am not that good with APIs so I was just trying to find out if someone has already done this.




Yes it is technically possible to achieve although I think I found a few bugs with "management-server/alerts" POST method REST API to create an alert (and yes you do need to lookup the resource keys for the object you are configuring the alarm for). Given there appears to be issues with REST API I searched through my archive and found the code I'd developed years ago which uses ZAPI. Note that this requires the "manageontap.dll" (which is available in the NMSDK or can be copied from a WFA server). Here is the code to create an AIQUM alarm using ZAPI:



   [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The AIQUM host name or IP Address")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The AIQUM port number")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The AIQUM timeout in seconds")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The AIQUM Alert name")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The AIQUM Alert description")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The AIQUM Alert email addresses")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The AIQUM Alert severities. Valid values are 'Critical', 'Error' or 'Warning'")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The AIQUM Alert Disabled State")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The AIQUM Alert resource keys")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The AIQUM Alert resource type. Valid values are 'Aggregate', 'Cloud Tier', 'Cluster', 'Fibre Channel LIF', 'Fibre Channel Port Target', 'LIF', 'LUN', 'Management Station', 'MetroCluster Bridge', 'MetroCluster Bridge Stack Connection', 'MetroCluster Inter Node Connection', 'MetroCluster Inter-Switch Connection', 'MetroCluster Node Bridge Connection', 'MetroCluster Node Stack Switch', 'MetroCluster Node Switch Connection', 'MetroCluster Relationship', 'MetroCluster Switch', 'MetroCluster Switch Bridge Connection', 'Network Port', 'Node', 'NVMe Namespace', 'NVMFf FC LIF', 'Qtree', 'SnapMirror Relationship', 'Storage Class', 'Storage Service', 'Storage Shelf', 'Storage Virtual Machine', 'User or Group Quota' and 'Volume'")]
   [ValidateSet("Aggregate","Cloud Tier","Cluster","Fibre Channel LIF","Fibre Channel Port Target","LIF","LUN","Management Station","MetroCluster Bridge","MetroCluster Bridge Stack Connection","MetroCluster Inter Node Connection","MetroCluster Inter-Switch Connection","MetroCluster Node Bridge Connection","MetroCluster Node Stack Switch","MetroCluster Node Switch Connection","MetroCluster Relationship","MetroCluster Switch","MetroCluster Switch Bridge Connection","Network Port","Node","NVMe Namespace","NVMFf FC LIF","Qtree","SnapMirror Relationship","Storage Class","Storage Service","Storage Shelf","Storage Virtual Machine","User or Group Quota","Volume")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The number of seconds that the AIQUM alert should wait until resending an alert notification")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The number of seconds from midnight until the time that the AIQUM alert will stop resending notifications")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The number of seconds from midnight until the time that the AIQUM alert will start resending notifications")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The AIQUM Alert SNMP Trap State")]
   [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The adminstrative credentials to authenticate to OCUM")]
Function New-ZapiServer{
   Cmdlet to create a new ZAPI server object.
   The cmdlet creates a ZAPI object from which Data ONTAP or Unified Manager ZAPIs can be called.
   HostName accepts a string containing the name or IP address of the host to connect to
   PortNumber accepts an integer containing the port number to use.
   ZapiType accepts a string containing the type of API to use. Valid values are FILER for Data ONTAP and DFM for a Unified Manager server.
   VFiler accepts a string containing the name of the Filer. Used with the type "FILER" for running ZAPIs on the specified vFiler.
   .PARAMETER Protocol
   Protocol accepts a string containing the protocol to set for the ZAPI connection. Valid values are 'https' or 'http'.
   TimeOut accepts an Integer containing the maximum timeout in seconds for the ZAPI connection.
   New-ZapiServer -HostName $HostName -ZapiType FILER -Vfiler $Vfiler -Credentials $credentials
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The hostname or IP address to create a ZAPI connection to")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The port number to use for the ZAPI connection")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The ZAPI connection type. Valid values are 'FILER' or 'DFM'")]
      [ValidateSet("FILER", "DFM")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The Credentials to authenticate the ZAPI connection")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The name of the vfiler or vserver if the ZAPI connection type is set to Filer. Used to set vfiler or vserver tunnelling")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The protocol to set for the ZAPI connection. Valid values are 'https' or 'http'")]
      [ValidateSet("https", "http")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$False, HelpMessage="The timeout of the ZAPI connection in seconds")]
   #'Create the NaServer server object based on the ZAPI type.
   $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
   Write-Host "Creating ZAPI connection type ""$ZapiType"" to ""$HostName"""
      If($ZapiType -eq "DFM"){
         [NetApp.Manage.NaServer]$zapiServer = New-Object NetApp.Manage.NaServer($HostName, "1", "0")
         Write-Host "Created ZAPI connection type ""$ZapiType"" to ""$HostName"""
         [NetApp.Manage.NaServer]$zapiServer = New-Object NetApp.Manage.NaServer($HostName, "1", "14")
         Write-Warning -Message "Created ZAPI connection type ""$ZapiType"" to ""$HostName"""
         If($VFiler -And $VFiler.Length -gt 0){
            Write-Host "Set VfilerTunnelling for ""$Vfiler"" for ZAPI connection to ""$HostName"""
      Write-Warning -Message "Failed creating ZAPI connection type ""$ZapiType"" to ""$HostName"""
      Return $Null;
   #'Enumerate the username and password from the credential object.
   [String]$domain    = $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().domain
   [String]$user      = $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().username
   [String]$password  = $credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password
         [String]$userName = "$user`@$domain"
         If($credentials.UserName.Contains("\") -And ($credentials.UserName.SubString(0, 1) -ne "\")){
            [String]$userName = $credentials.username
            [String]$userName = "$domain\$user"
      [String]$userName = $user
   #'Set the username and password for the NaServer object.
   $zapiServer.SetAdminUser($userName, $password)
   $zapiServer.ServerType    = $ZapiType
   $zapiServer.TransportType = $Protocol
   #'Set default port number (443) or the port number provided.
      If($zapiServer.Port -ne $PortNumber){
         $zapiServer.Port = $PortNumber
   #'Set the timeout default (60) or the timeout number provided.
      $zapiServer.timeout = $TimeOut
   Write-Host "Checking ZAPI connection status to hostname ""$HostName"" type ""$ZapiType"" using protocol ""$Protocol"" as user ""$user"""
   $result = Test-ZapiConnection -ZapiServer $zapiServer -ZapiType $ZapiType -HostName $HostName -ProtocolName $Protocol
   If($result -eq 0){
      Write-Warning -Message "Failed connecting to host ""$HostName"" using protocol ""$Protocol"""
   Return $zapiServer;
}#End Function
Function Test-ZapiConnection{
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The 'NetApp.Manage.NaServer' ZAPI connection object")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The ZAPI connection type. Valid values are 'FILER' or 'DFM'")]
      [ValidateSet("FILER", "DFM")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The ZAPI server hostname")]
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The ZAPI server protocol. Valid values are 'https' or 'http'")]
      [ValidateSet("https", "http")]
   #'invoke the API based on the ZAPI type.
   $ZapiServer.TRANSPORT_TYPE #Refernce ZAPI property to stop API call failing.
   If($ZapiType -eq "DFM"){
         [String]$apiName = "dfm-about"
         Write-Host "Invoking API ""$apiName"" to check connectivity to ""$HostName"" using the ""$ProtocolName"" protocol"
         [Xml]$result = $ZapiServer.Invoke($apiName)
         Write-Warning -Message $("Failed invoking $ZapiType API ""$apiName"" on ""$HostName"" using the ""$ProtocolName"" protocol. Error " + $_.Exception.Message)
         Return -1
         [String]$zapiName = "system-get-version"
         Write-Host "Invoking ZAPI ""$zapiName"" to check connectivity to ""$HostName"" using protocol ""$ProtocolName"""
         [Xml]$result = $ZapiServer.Invoke($zapiName)
         Write-Warning -Message $("Failed invoking $ZapiType API ""$apiName"" on ""$HostName"" using protocol ""$ProtocolName"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message)
         Return -1
   Return 0;
}#End Function
Function Import-ManageOntap{
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, HelpMessage="The folder path to the 'manageontap.dll' file")]
   #'Load the ManageONTAP.dll file
   [String]$fileSpec = "$FolderPath\ManageOntap.dll"
      [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($fileSpec) | Out-Null
      Write-Host "Loaded file ""$fileSpec"""
      Write-Warning -Message $("Failed loading file ""$fileSpec"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message)
      Return $False;
   Return $True;
}#'End Function
#'Disable certificate CRL check and set TLS.
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CheckCertificateRevocationList = $False;
Add-Type @"
   using System;
   using System.Net;
   using System.Net.Security;
   using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
   public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback{
      public static void Ignore(){
         ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += 
            Object obj, 
            X509Certificate certificate, 
            X509Chain chain, 
            SslPolicyErrors errors
            return true;
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = @("Tls12","Tls11","Tls","Ssl3")
#'Ensure either the resource keys or resource types are provided
If((-Not($ResourceKeys)) -And (-Not($ResourceTypes))){
   Write-Warning -Message "Either the 'ResourceKeys' or 'ResourceType' input parameter must be provided"
#'Import the manageontap.dll file.
[String]$scriptPath = Split-Path($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
If(-Not(Import-ManageOntap -FolderPath $scriptPath)){
   Write-Warning -Message "The file ""$scriptPath\ManageOntap.dll"" does not exist"
#'Create an AIQUM ZAPI connection.
   $naServer = New-ZapiServer -Host $HostName -Type DFM -Credentials $Credentials -ErrorAction Stop
   Write-Warning -Message "Failed creating ZAPI connection to ""$HostName"""
#'Exit if the AIQUM ZAPI connection failed.
If($naServer -eq -1){
   Write-Warning -Message "Failed creating ZAPI connection to AIQUM server ""$HostName"""
$ErrorActionPreference  = "Stop"
[String]$zapiName = "alert-create"
Write-Host "Invoking ZAPI ""$zapiName"""
   $naElement = New-Object NetApp.Manage.naElement("alert-create")
   $alertInfo = New-Object NetApp.Manage.naElement("alert-info")
   $alertInfo.AddNewChild("alert-name", $AlertName)
   $alertInfo.AddNewChild("alert-description", $Description)
   $addresses = New-Object NetApp.Manage.naElement("email-addresses")
   ForEach($emailAddress In $EmailAddresses){
      $addresses.AddNewChild("email-address", $emailAddress)
   $severities = New-Object NetApp.Manage.naElement("event-severities")
   ForEach($eventSeverity In $eventSeverities){
      $severities.AddNewChild("obj-status", $eventSeverity)
   $alertInfo.AddNewChild("is-disabled", $IsDisabled)
      $alertInfo.AddNewChild("repeat-interval", $RepeatFrequency)
   $resourceObjectKeys = New-Object NetApp.Manage.naElement("resource-object-keys")
   ForEach($resourceKey In $resourceKeys){
      $resourceObjectKeys.AddNewChild("resource-key", $resourceKey)
   If($RepeatFrequency -And ($RepeatFrequencyFrom -And $RepeatFrequencyTo)){
      $alertInfo.AddNewChild("time-from", $RepeatFrequencyFrom)
      $alertInfo.AddNewChild("time-to", $RepeatFrequencyTo)
   $alertInfo.AddNewChild("send-snmp-trap", $SendSnmpTrap)
   $results = $naServer.InvokeElem($naElement)
   Write-Warning -Message $("Failed invoking ""$zapiName"". Error " + $_.Exception.Message)
   Throw "Failed invoking ""$zapiName"""


Note: This code assumes that the "manageontap.dll" file exists in the scripts working directory


Here is an example of the syntax usage:



PS C:\Scripts\PowerShell\Projects\AIQUM\Alerts> $Credential = Get-Credential -Credential admin
PS C:\Scripts\PowerShell\Projects\AIQUM\Alerts> .\NewAlertZapi.ps1 -HostName -AlertName "test" -Description "testing" -EmailAddresses @("admin@testlab.local") -EventSeverities @("critical") -IsDisabled $false -ResourceKeys @("082b693d-8374-11ee-8d03-00a098ba68d6:type=cluster,uuid=082b693d-8374-11ee-8d03-00a098ba68d6") -ResourceTypes @("cluster") -SendSnmpTrap $false -Credentials $Credential
Loaded file "C:\Scripts\PowerShell\Projects\AIQUM\Alerts\ManageOntap.dll"
Creating ZAPI connection type "DFM" to ""
Created ZAPI connection type "DFM" to ""
Checking ZAPI connection status to hostname "" type "DFM" using protocol "https" as user "umdiag"
Invoking API "dfm-about" to check connectivity to "" using the "https" protocol
Invoking ZAPI "alert-create"
<results status='passed'><alert-id>1014</alert-id></results>



Also i've developed a PowerShell module that leverages the REST API's for AIQUM here: 


I'll update it to include some functions with working the Alerts and some example scripts on how to query the resourcekeys etc. If you've got hundreds of alerts to migrate the last thing you want to be doing is clicking (it would take days/weeks and the potential for misconfiguration is high). Hope this code helps



If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.




It's possible to create alerts using the REST API too. I uploaded an example script to create an alert in AIQUM here: 




PS C:\Scripts\PowerShell\Projects\AIQUM\Alerts> .\NewAlert.ps1 -Server -AlertName "test" -Description "testing" -Enabled $true -EventSeverities @("warning") -EventTypes @("Login Banner Disabled") -ResourceTyp
e cluster -ResourceKeys @("082b693d-8374-11ee-8d03-00a098ba68d6:type=cluster,uuid=082b693d-8374-11ee-8d03-00a098ba68d6") -Duration PT1000S -EmailAddresses @("admin@testlab.local") -StartTime PT9000S -EndTime PT18000S -Snmp
Trap $false -ScriptID "303537e5-480c-4980-88a8-5f067fd023a8" -ScriptName "Test.ps1" -Credential $credential -Include @("cluster1")

Hope that helps. I've developed functions for alerts and scripts and will include them in the AIQUM module.


Note: The only issue that is puzzling is that the REST API doesn't seem to have a property to set the "notifcation frequency" to "once" (you have to provide the starttime, endtime and duration frequency).



If this post resolved your issue, help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.