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I'm trying to create a simple "Hello World" plugin to test-drive the custom plugin development. The plug-in would execute the command from the parameters (COMMAND), entered in the GUI. For now I have added the command call to the quiesce action.
I have SnapCreator 4.1P1 server installed on Windows server and the client installed on the other Windows server. Both are Windows 2008 R2 x64.
To create the custom plugin, I have done the following:
Created folder HELLO in C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scServer4.1P1\plugins\
Added hello.conf file
### SnapCreator Hello World test ###
Created hello.xml in C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scServer4.1P1\engine\etc\gui\plugins\simple
It only has one parameter, COMMAND
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SimplePlugin xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
xsi:schemaLocation='http://www.netapp.com/snapcreator/ui/client/schema/plugins/simple com/netapp/snapcreator/ui/xml/simplePlugins.xsd'>
<default>echo Hello World!</default>
Created hello.properties in
C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scServer4.1P1\engine\etc\gui\resources
helloDescription=Hello World Script
commandLabel=Command to run
commandDescription=Command to run on the host, such as "echo Hello World!"
The GUI portion works fine, and I can create new profile using the plugin. The application options and plugin parameters get captured in the profile config.
# Application Options #
# Plug-In Parameter #
COMMAND=echo Hello World!
On the client:
Created hello.pm in C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scAgent4.1P1\plugins\perl\hello
It is based on the sample, included with the Snap Creator client
Restarted the Snap Creator client service. Verified the hello plugin is loaded
[2014-04-16T13:37:00,477-0700] INFO [main] com.netapp.snapcreator.agent.nextgen.AgentInitializerImpl - Loaded plugins: [vibe, sybase, domino, mock, arch, oracle, maxdb, hello, xen, smsql, hana, db2, mysql, sme, kvm]
When I try to run the quiesce task, I get the "ERROR: [scf-00070] module [hello] could not be loaded". It is puzzling, because the agent log states the plugin was loaded.
Suspecting there could be something wrong with my code, I have tried to use example scripts, as well as the community scripts in place of my hello.pm.
In this case I get different error:
[2014-04-17 14:11:42,837] ERROR: [vsclc-01:9090(] SCF-00037: Application quiesce for plug-in [hello] failed with error [Could not load plugin hello. Reason: Can't locate object method "new" via package "hello" (perhaps you forgot to load "hello"?) at /<C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scAgent4.1P1\plugins\wrapper\wrapper.exe>SnapCreator/Mod.pm line 184.
See full debug log below.
[2014-04-17 13:31:32,965] DEBUG: Workflow : quiesce started with workflow id : 67
[2014-04-17 13:31:32,965] DEBUG: Version: Snap Creator Framework 4.1P1
[2014-04-17 13:31:32,965] DEBUG: Profile: hello
[2014-04-17 13:31:32,965] DEBUG: Config: hello
[2014-04-17 13:31:32,965] DEBUG: Action: quiesce
[2014-04-17 13:31:32,965] DEBUG: Plugin: hello
[2014-04-17 13:31:32,965] DEBUG: Policy: null
[2014-04-17 13:31:32,965] DEBUG: Volume Name: cc_backup_test
[2014-04-17 13:31:32,965] DEBUG: Snapshot Name: hello_20140417133132
########## Agent validation ##########
[2014-04-17 13:31:33,652] INFO: Agent validation completed successfully for agent vsclc-01:9090
########## Plugin validation ##########
[2014-04-17 13:31:33,667] INFO: Plugin validation file for plugin hello not found, skipping validation
########## Pre Application Quiesce commands ##########
[2014-04-17 13:31:33,667] INFO: Pre application quiesce commands are not defined
[2014-04-17 13:31:33,667] INFO: Pre Application Quiesce commands finished successfully
[2014-04-17 13:31:33,667] INFO: Application auto discovery is not enabled skipping .
[2014-04-17 13:31:33,667] INFO: Validate volume is not enabled skipping validate volume task.
########## Application Quiesce ##########
[2014-04-17 13:31:33,667] INFO: Application Quiesce for plugin : hello
[2014-04-17 13:31:44,104] ERROR: [vsclc-01:9090(] SCF-00037: Application quiesce for plug-in [hello] failed with error [Could not load plugin hello. Reason: ERROR: [scf-00070] module [hello] could not be loaded at /<C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scAgent4.1P1\plugins\wrapper\wrapper.exe>SnapCreator/Mod.pm line 182.
] and exit code [99], Exiting!
[2014-04-17 13:31:44,119] DEBUG: Workflow : quiesce_OnFailure started with workflow id : 68
########## Agent Workflow Finalization ##########
[2014-04-17 13:31:44,119] INFO: Agent Workflow Finalization started
[2014-04-17 13:31:49,361] INFO: [vsclc-01:9090 (] Finalized workflow with id 67
[2014-04-17 13:31:49,361] INFO: Agent Workflow Finalization finished successfully
########## Snap Creator Framework 4.1P1 failed ##########
[2014-04-17 13:31:49,377] INFO: Pre Exit commands are not defined. Skipping !
The error scf-00037 does make sense. According to the Snap Creator 4.1 Admin Guide:
scf-00037 Application quiesce for plug-in [%s] failed with error [%s] and exit code [%s], Exiting!
Application quiesce failed due to application error. Check logs and application settings. To ignore application errors and proceed with backup, you can set APP_IGNORE_ERROR=Y.
The error scf-00070 in the admin guide is referring to different condition and does not apply here.
scf-00070 File system post_restore for plug-in [%s] failed with exit code [%s], Exiting!
File system post restore failed due to file system error. Check the logs and file system settings.
Am I missing any plugin installation steps? Is 64-bit Java messing with me? Is there something wrong with my code?
I have included hello.pm below for the reference.
### Copyright NetApp Inc. All rights reserved
### Author: ktenzer
### Date: 08/01/2010
### Name: Snap Creator::MOD::Mock
# Changes
### Ver Author Description
### 1.0 ktenzer Initial Version
### 1.1 dmitryse Added running command from config file
package HELLO;
$| = 1;
our @ISA = qw(Snap Creator::Mod);
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
### Load Snap Creator Objects ###
use Snap Creator::Util::Generic qw ( trim isEmpty );
use Snap Creator::Util::OS qw ( isWindows isUnix getUid createTmpFile );
my $msgObj = new Snap Creator::Event();
my %config_h = ();
my $result = {
exit_code => 0,
stdout => 'Finished successfully',
stderr => ''
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = {
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
sub setENV {
my ($self, $obj) = @_;
%config_h = %{$obj};
my @message_a = ();
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, INFO, "$config_h{'APP_NAME'}::setENV");
$result->{message} = \@message_a;
return $result;
sub quiesce {
my $self = shift;
my $result = {
exit_code => 0,
stdout => "",
stderr => "",
my $cmd = ();
my @message_a = ();
my $error_code="0";
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, INFO, "Running quiesce");
#Send command
if (defined $config_h{'COMMAND'}) {
} else {
$cmd="echo Hello World!";
$result = $RUN_CMD->($cmd);
push (@message_a, @{$result->{message}}) if exists ($result->{message});
if ($result->{exit_code} != 0) {
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, ERROR, "Executing command finished with errors");
} else {
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, INFO, "Command executed successfully");
$result->{message} = \@message_a;
return $result;
sub unquiesce {
my $result = {
exit_code => 0,
stdout => "",
stderr => "",
my @message_a = ();
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, INFO, "$config_h{'APP_NAME'}::unquiesce");
$result->{message} = \@message_a;
return $result;
sub discover {
my $result = {
exit_code => 0,
stdout => "",
stderr => "",
my @message_a = ();
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, INFO, "$config_h{'APP_NAME'}::discovery");
$result->{message} = \@message_a;
return $result;
### Private Methods (local use only) ###
### Run Commands ###
$RUN_CMD=sub {
my ($cmd) = @_;
my $result = {
exit_code => 0,
stdout => "",
stderr => ""
my @message_a = ();
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, DEBUG, "Executing command [$cmd]");
$result = SnapCreator::Util::OS->execute($cmd);
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, DEBUG, "Command [$cmd] finished with\nexit code: [$result->{exit_code}]\nstdout: [$result->{stdout}]\nstderr: [$result->{stderr}]");
# Error logging
if (! defined ($result) || $result->{exit_code} != 0) {
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, ERROR, "[hello-00001] Command [$cmd] failed with return code $result->{exit_code} and message $result->{stderr}");
} else {
$msgObj->collect(\@message_a, DEBUG, "Executing of external command finished successfully");
$result->{message} = \@message_a;
return $result;
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In the beginning you mention that you created a folder called HELLO, but your perl file is called hello.pm with a hello.conf config file.
Please be sure you use the same case consistently. HELLO is seen different from hello.
I'd suggest renaming your folder to hello (lower case) to match the other files and see if you have the same issue.
Also change the package name to match lower case hello in your code also.
Hope this helps,
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Hi John,
I have change all names to lower case across all configurations and files. Still does not help. I was suspecting the Perl conflict,because the server with agent installed already had Perl on it. So, I have installed the agent on other test server. I get the same problem. Are they any pre-requisites for Perl on the agent?
I will try to load 32-bit version of agent next alongside with 32-bit Java and report the results. Any other suggestions?
There is some inconsistency in the documentation. Administration guide does not have a good explanation for error scf-00070.
My error:
ERROR: [scf-00070] module [hello] could not be loaded at /<C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scAgent4.1P1\plugins\wrapper\wrapper.exe>SnapCreator/Mod.pm line 182.
Admin guide:
scf-00070 File system post_restore for plug-in [%s] failed with exit code [%s], Exiting!
Lastly, I do not have access to the Framework's Wiki, which has tons of good info, and to the Framework's branch on GitHub. I have signed and emailed contributor's agreement on Wednesday, and I hope it gets processed soon.
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,212] DEBUG: Workflow : quiesce started with workflow id : 85
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,212] DEBUG: Version: Snap Creator Framework 4.1P1
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,212] DEBUG: Profile: hello2
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,212] DEBUG: Config: hello2
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,212] DEBUG: Action: quiesce
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,212] DEBUG: Plugin: hello
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,212] DEBUG: Policy: null
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,212] DEBUG: Volume Name: cc_backup_test
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,212] DEBUG: Snapshot Name: hello2_20140418095150
########## Agent validation ##########
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,368] INFO: Agent validation completed successfully for agent vs-01:9090
########## Plugin validation ##########
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,368] INFO: Plugin validation file for plugin hello not found, skipping validation
########## Pre Application Quiesce commands ##########
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,368] INFO: Pre application quiesce commands are not defined
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,368] INFO: Pre Application Quiesce commands finished successfully
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,368] INFO: Application auto discovery is not enabled skipping .
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,368] INFO: Validate volume is not enabled skipping validate volume task.
########## Application Quiesce ##########
[2014-04-18 09:51:50,368] INFO: Application Quiesce for plugin : hello
[2014-04-18 09:52:00,788] ERROR: [vs-01:9090(] SCF-00037: Application quiesce for plug-in [hello] failed with error [Could not load plugin hello. Reason: ERROR: [scf-00070] module [hello] could not be loaded at /<C:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap_Creator_Framework\scAgent4.1P1\plugins\wrapper\wrapper.exe>SnapCreator/Mod.pm line 182.
] and exit code [99], Exiting!
[2014-04-18 09:52:00,804] DEBUG: Workflow : quiesce_OnFailure started with workflow id : 86
########## Agent Workflow Finalization ##########
[2014-04-18 09:52:00,804] INFO: Agent Workflow Finalization started
[2014-04-18 09:52:06,030] INFO: [vs-01:9090 (] Finalized workflow with id 85
[2014-04-18 09:52:06,030] INFO: Agent Workflow Finalization finished successfully
########## Snap Creator Framework 4.1P1 failed ##########
[2014-04-18 09:52:06,061] INFO: Pre Exit commands are not defined. Skipping !
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I have installed the latest 32-bit agent and Java. The same error message. Any other suggestions?