Data Protection

Installing and Configuring the Postgres Plugin


Hi.  I'm really stuck getting the Postgres plugin to work through SnapCreator 4.1.  Ive installed the .pm file in both the Agent and Server folders and restarted the server but when i try to run a back up job i get this error.  Any help would be much appreaciated

########## Detecting Data ONTAP mode for ##########

STORAGE-03031: Getting system version details of []

STORAGE-03032: Getting system version details of [] finished successfully.

########## Agent validation ##########

Agent validation completed successfully for agent

########## Plugin validation ##########

Plugin validation file for plugin POSTGRES not found, skipping validation

Application auto discovery is not enabled skipping .

########## Running storage discovery ##########

STORAGE-02090: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [PGSDATA01].

STORAGE-02091: Listing Snapshot copies on volume [PGSDATA01] finished successfully.

########## Storage discovery finished successfully ! ##########

########## Pre Application Quiesce commands ##########

Pre application quiesce commands are not defined

Pre Application Quiesce commands finished successfully

Validate volume is not enabled skipping validate volume task.

########## Application Quiesce ##########

Application Quiesce for plugin : POSTGRES

[ (] Could not execute operation quiesce on plugin POSTGRES (Reason: PluginNotFoundException: Plugin POSTGRES does not exist.)

[] SCF-00037: Application quiesce for plug-in [POSTGRES] failed with error [] and exit code [100], Exiting!

Task: quiesce with config:TEP_Maps01_PG_DB@Postgres failed

########## Application Unquiesce ##########

Application Unquiesce for plugin: POSTGRES

[ (] Could not execute operation unquiesce on plugin POSTGRES (Reason: PluginNotFoundException: Plugin POSTGRES does not exist.)

[] SCF-00032: Application unquiesce failed due to application error. To ignore application errors and proceed with backup you can set APP_IGNORE_ERROR=Y.

Task: unquiesce with config:TEP_Maps01_PG_DB@Postgres failed

########## Application cleanup ##########

Performing cleanup on : POSTGRES

[ (] Could not execute operation cleanup on plugin POSTGRES (Reason: PluginNotFoundException: Plugin POSTGRES does not exist.)

[] SCF-00074: Cleanup for plug-in [POSTGRES] failed with error [null] and exit code [100], Exiting!

Task: appCleanup with config:TEP_Maps01_PG_DB@Postgres failed

########## Agent Workflow Finalization ##########

Agent Workflow Finalization started

[ (] Finalized workflow with id 745

Agent Workflow Finalization finished successfully

########## Snap Creator Framework 4.1P1 failed ##########

Pre Exit commands are not defined. Skipping !




Did you install the plugin similar to how it is described here?:

I think the Postgres should be installed into scAgent/plugins/native/<plugin>

Hope the link will help.



Hi John, tried that but no joy.  The link you posted doesnt workj for me.

Cheers Andy



Since adding the POSTGRES plugin have you restarted your Snap Creator Agent?

The plugins are loaded when the Agent starts - That tripped me up when I set mine up just now.

I just glanced at that plugin and it is a perl plugin, so it should be installed:


Case is important, so the plugin must be named POSTGRES and the APP_NAME=POSTGRES

I downloaded the plugin, copied into the location above, then restarted my Agent is all is working.

Hope this helps,



Hi John, that worked for me, thanks for your help with getting the plugin instaaled.

I'm now getting these errors running the job

[ (] (Mon Jun  2 12:28:44 2014) Command [C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\psql.exe -d hca -U postgres --single-transaction --file C:\Windows\TEMP\] failed with return code [1] and message [

[ (] (Mon Jun  2 12:28:44 2014) ]

[ (] (Mon Jun  2 12:28:44 2014) Starting read only mode for database hca failed
[] SCF-00032: Application unquiesce failed due to application error. To ignore application errors and proceed with backup you can set APP_IGNORE_ERROR=Y.
