Data Protection

Replace DFM behaviour




I have an issue to keep the same backup way of my new CDOT cluster.


Before i did the following with DFM: 

         - only 2 daily snapshots on the source volume

         - snapvault replication 

         - 7 daily, 5 weekly and 13 monthly on the destination volume 

DFM took in charge the extended retention at the destination based on just 2 daily source snapshots.


Now, i can't find a way to do that simply. 

I know with a script i could do the job, but i have a huge environment, and to monitor and maintain it could be a nightmare. 

It is a NFS infrastructure with few cifs.


Does anyone find a workaround on a similar issue ?


Thanks a lot 





Hey Serge,


What version of ONTAP are you currently running?


Starting in 8.3, you have the ability to use XDP relationships (SnapVault) in the same manner in which you used it before.  Moreover, cDOT now applies the SnapMirror and SnapVault configurations via policy.  So you configure a policy with the options you have listed (7 daily, 5 weekly, 13 monthly) and then apply that policy to the SnapVault relationships for all of those volumes.


You may (per your comment) want to look into using PowerShell to apply the policy to the volumes/relationships.  But you could use OnCommand Unified Manager to monitor the relationships and lag times.


Unfortunately, Protection Manager (the part of DFM you're referencing) is no longer in play.  If you want something similar, you might try looking at either SnapCreator or even WFA which now has some scheduling capabilities.


Hope that helps.




Hello Taylor,


Thanks for your help.


In fact, i can't manage, i think this kind of behaviour, with system manager. 

XDP is based on the label and to the destination the retention is applied on the snap's label. I can't have on the source volume more than 2 daily snapshots because of huge daily change in each volume. 

For example, i need to have the daily snapshot of the sunday tagged "weekly" on the destination volume but still daily on the source. 

I'm sorry if it is not clear at all.


I really don't want to use a script, it will be a nightmare to maintain that. 


Thanks again 




Hello Taylor,


Thanks for your help.


In fact, i can't manage, i think this kind of behaviour, with system manager. 

XDP is based on the label and to the destination the retention is applied on the snap's label. I can't have on the source volume more than 2 daily snapshots because of huge daily change in each volume. 

For example, i need to have the daily snapshot of the sunday tagged "weekly" on the destination volume but still daily on the source. 

I'm sorry if it is not clear at all.


I really don't want to use a script, it will be a nightmare to maintain that. 


I'm in 9.1GA version.


Thanks again 


