Data Protection

SnapCenter Oracle Restore


I've started with my next challenge:  snapcenter based snapshot backup and try to understand it's restore options.


In a test-environment (snapcenter 4.1.1 server, Oracle12 dbhost based on sles12) I've done some snapshot backups (including logs and controllfiles, no log bruning after backup)

Now, I've moved away all archivelogs from the archivelog location. (/oracle/PKW/oraarch/)
I expected to have them restored during the snap-restore task.

1st try:

  • I chose the snapshot timestamp I'd like to restore and click on restore,
    • chose "All Datafiles"
    • chose "change database state if needed for restore and recovery"
    • chose "Force in place restore"
  • select "Date and Time" and give a timestamp
  • no pre ops, no post ops, no notification mail

and start

The result: Post restore error:

    PL-SCO-25000: SCO_POSTRESTORE of database files failed with error: ORACLE-30036: Recovery of PKW failed due to the following error(s): [ORA-00308: cannot open archived log '/oracle/PKW/oraarch/PKWarch1_117_998124950.dbf', ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status, ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below, ORA-01195: online backup of file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent]

I suggested to have the archvelogs restord from snapshot, if logs are needed.

2nd try:

  • I mounted the archvelog backup to an alternative location:
    • I chose the snapshot timestamp I'd like to restore,
      • chose "All Datafiles"
      • chose "change database state if needed for restore and recovery"
      • chose "Force in place restore"
    • select "Date and Time" and give a timestamp
    • specify external archive log files location
      • /var/opt/snapcenter/sco/backup_mount/testvcorasap01_PKW_testvcorasap01_01-21-2019_13.23.43.8672_1/PKW/1
    • no pre ops, no post ops, no notification mail

    and start

    The result: again Post restore error:

      PL-SCO-25000: SCO_POSTRESTORE of database files failed with error: ORACLE-30036: Recovery of PKW failed due to the following error(s): [ORA-00308: cannot open archived log '/oracle/PKW/oraarch/PKWarch1_117_998124950.dbf', ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status, ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below, ORA-01195: online backup of file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent]

in both cases archivelogs got expected at the original oraarch location.


Do I misunderstand the way to restore an oracle database from within SnapCenter?

I had the opinion that in a situation where datafiles have been corrupted AND archivelogs got manually deleted, a snapcenter based full restore should restore the required logs as well.


