Data Protection

Snapcreator.exe Zombie after completed Job


Hi Everybody

We have an issue with the scAgent.

We are using it to do Domino-Backup with the integrated Plugin.

Everything works well most of the Time but sometimes the Quiesce (and some of the times also the following UnQuiesce) suddenly starts to fail.

Debugs don't show anything specific, just the general error:

ERROR: [scf-00139] Application quiesce for plugin domino failed, no exit code returned from plug-in, Exiting!

Manual Unquiesce won't work as well as connection test to the Agent.

What we found so far is that there is always a snapcreator.exe hanging on the System that seems to block the Agent.

After killing that Process and restarting the Agent the Jobs run through smoothly as always, but that cannot be the Solution.

Anybody experienced similar issues? Any Ideas on what might go wrong or how to fix?

Currently using SnapCreator in Combination with Domino 8.5.34 on Windows 2008 R2.

Affected Jobs only have to set 4 *.box files in and out of backup mode.

Thanks in Advance




Hi Stefan,

Sorry to hear this

We have on rare occasion seen similar issues but have never been able to effectively reproduce this problem. It is definitely isolated to windows and we feel has something to do with running SC as a service.

I recommend disabling service and running SC manually "snapcreator.exe --start-agent 9090 --verbose --debug" and then troubleshooting and checking console messages.

In addition if this solves problem you can use windows scheduler to schedule a .bat script which would start agent upon server boot. I know it isnt as good as services but if it provides solution it is worth it.

We have been spending most of the entire current release SC 4.1 on the agent and have rebuilt the agent and added a lot more error checking and handling for such situations. We feel that the new improved agent will be a long-term solution for windows and unix environments. I know it doesnt help now but I wanted to at least make it clear the agent is our number one priority for the SC 4.1 release.




Hi Keith

Had the Agent running manually some times, never found a clue or was able to reproduce it either.

Your hint with TaskScheduler is good, will try that on one of the affected Servers.

Maybe it gives us a hint this time or makes everything more stable, either way would be fine.

Freundliche Grüsse / Kind Regards

Stefan Vollrath

T-Systems Schweiz AG

Storage & Backup Operations

Stefan Vollrath

Storage Engineer

Murgenthalstrasse 12, CH-4901 Langenthal

+41 (0) 78 645 1076 (phone)

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Von: Keith Tenzer

Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. Juli 2013 09:40

An: Vollrath, Stefan

Betreff: - Re: Snapcreator.exe Zombie after completed Job

NetApp Online Community <>


Re: Snapcreator.exe Zombie after completed Job

created by Keith Tenzer <> in Snap Creator - Plugins - View the full discussion <> <>

Hi Stefan,

Sorry to hear this

We have on rare occasion seen similar issues but have never been able to effectively reproduce this problem. It is definitely isolated to windows and we feel has something to do with running SC as a service.

I recommend disabling service and running SC manually "snapcreator.exe --start-agent 9090 --verbose --debug" and then troubleshooting and checking console messages.

In addition if this solves problem you can use windows scheduler to schedule a .bat script which would start agent upon server boot. I know it isnt as good as services but if it provides solution it is worth it.

We have been spending most of the entire current release SC 4.1 on the agent and have rebuilt the agent and added a lot more error checking and handling for such situations. We feel that the new improved agent will be a long-term solution for windows and unix environments. I know it doesnt help now but I wanted to at least make it clear the agent is our number one priority for the SC 4.1 release.



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Hi Stefan,

Ok yeah give this a try, I have also let our Domino expert John Spinks know who is in US but he should comment sometime later today from his perspective.

