Data Protection

Upgrade to Snap Creator 3.6P1



What is the procedure to upgrade Snap Creator from version 3.6 to 3.6P1 ?




Is this UNIX based install or Windows based install?


  • We have installers for both Linux/Unix and Windows platforms.
  • EULA will be displayed as the first step to installation and the installation will only continue if the USER accepts the agreement.

Snap Creator will provide a self-installer. .exe and .sh for both windows and unix systems respectively. In order to install Snap Creator Framework you need to run the installer and accept the EULA and the installer will extract the files for you at specified installation location.

  • Windows Installer

Windows install file will be an exe file. Installer will show the EULA message first and on acceptance of that, prompted for server/agent selection. Installer will unpack either server or agent on a specified location.

Snap Creator Server and Agent installer will add registry entries for saving the install location under (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/NetApp/Snap Creator Framework ). Install default location is c:\Program Files\NetApp\Snap Creator Framework.

  • Linux/Unix Installer

Linux/Unix installer file will be sh file with compressed Snap Creator Framework binary. Installer will show the EULA message first and on acceptance of that, it will unpack both server and agent under same folder.

Upgrading and Reverting

To upgrade or revert Snap Creator a new installation needs to be run following the steps identified in the installation. Users must save there configuration files and paste them back to the config folder.


I would like to upgrade the server on a Windows plaform (from 3.6 to 3.6P1).

=> I already downloaded the new installer "NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework3.6p1-Win64.exe"

Does I also need to run "java -jar snapcreator.jar -upgrade" after replacing both "/configs" and "/gui/snapcreator" directories ?



I was able to successfully upgrade from 3.6.0 to 3.6p1 following this procedure

Backup entire snapcreator 3.6.0 directory to some place on C:\ drive

Install snapcreator 3.6p1 --> this will remove the 3.6.0 binaries and files/folders

    Don't select start as service yet during the install

- Copy 'scServer3.6.0\gui\snapcreator' directory to bring over the schedules to 'scServer3.6p1\gui\snapcreator'

    (NOTE: ONLY the snapcreator directory not the entire gui directory)

- Copy 'scServer3.6.0\configs' to bring over the configs to 'scServer3.6p1\configs'

- Copy 'scServer3.6.0\logs' to bring over the logs to 'scServer3.6p1\logs'

C:\Program Files\NetApp\NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework\scServer3.6p1\gui>java -jar snapcreator.jar -upgrade

Starting Derby Server

Got an embedded connection.

Testing embedded connection by executing a sample query

number of rows in sys.systables = 44

Updating table security_actions

Updating the scheduler triggers.

Shuting Down Derby Server

C:\Program Files\NetApp\NetApp_Snap_Creator_Framework\scServer3.6p1\gui>java -jar snapcreator.jar

Starting Derby Server

Got an embedded connection.

Testing embedded connection by executing a sample query

number of rows in sys.systables = 44

Starting Jetty Server

Jetty Server Started on port: 8080

Ensure the snapcreator service can be automatically started as snapcreator service (using a domain account)
