Snapcenter 4.1 , im new in snapcenter, we create at the begining a few policy after 5 days we change our backup strategy and create a new policies. Now we cannot delete the policies because there should be a backup attached. But i know that that retention should be over .

i check the databases where this poliy was attached . I remove manually the snapshoot which was attached to local copies and allso make check thaz al backups should be deleted.
but when i check the database.
i get this. under mirror the snapshoots are deleted. you see mirror there should be 32 copies but graphich shows 36 date is 25.9.2018

under vault i see that there are 36 copies snapshoots
you see there are also 21-24.9.2018.
so how can i delete this snapshoots that mirror and vault be the same? I dont remember that i should make a seperate retention policy of vault. So how to delete it or synchronize it.
Should i do it direct on netapp? Or how can i resolve this?