Data Protection

snap backup is failing (snapmanager)


snap backup is getting failed throwing below error, can anyone help?

--[ INFO] SMO-13036: Starting operation Backup Create on host test.test.local
--[ INFO] SMO-13046: Operation GUID 8aa2850f5d791e5e015d791e6f740001 starting on Profile 12C_DEV_SMO_PROFILE
--[ INFO] SMO-07431: Saving starting state of the database: DEALDEV1(OPEN).
--[ INFO] SMO-07431: Saving starting state of the database: DEALDEV1(OPEN).
--[ WARN] SMO-06019: Skipping purge of backup with Label "DEV_12c_20170703" and ID "8aa2850f5d072a36015d072a3b630001": [SMO-09214: Backup with id 8aa2850f5d072a36015d072a3b630001 has a clone with id 8aa2850f5d0735c5015d0735ccb50001 and sid DEVGS3., SMO-09214: Backup with id 8aa2850f5d072a36015d072a3b630001 has a clone with id 8aa2850f5d1c63ab015d1c63b5970001 and sid DEVBOF3., SMO-09214: Backup with id 8aa2850f5d072a36015d072a3b630001 has a clone with id 8aa2850f5d074005015d074010580001 and sid DEVKR3.]
--[ INFO] SMO-07127: Locked database for SnapManager operations - created lock file "/opt/oracle/product/12.1.0/EE/db_1/dbs/.sm_lock_DEALDEV1" on host test.test.local
--[ INFO] SMO-02062: Included Archivelog Destinations USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST.
--[ INFO] SMO-02063: Excluded Archivelog Destinations .
--[ INFO] ORACLE-20024: Spooling control file for database DEALDEV1 to trace as /tmp/SM_2463537796646992646.
--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /u03.
--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /u03.
--[ERROR] SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Backup Create. Root cause: Missing Character Set from Control File
--[ INFO] SMO-07131: Unlocked database for SnapManager operations - removed lock file "/opt/oracle/product/12.1.0/EE/db_1/dbs/.sm_lock_DEALDEV1" on hosttest.test.local
--[ INFO] SMO-07433: Returning the database to its initial state: DEALDEV1(OPEN).
--[ INFO] SMO-13039: Successfully aborted operation: Backup Create
--[ERROR] SMO-13048: Backup Create Operation Status: FAILED
--[ INFO] SMO-13049: Elapsed Time: 0:14:18.086

