Network and Storage Protocols

McAfee Joint Escalation Process ????


I have a customer who is experiencing vscan problems on the FAS unit.  They have opened a case with the vendor in this case McAfee.

My question is do we have a joint escalation process in place so that we can have our GSC team work with their counterparts at McAfee so that we can work together to resolve the situation ?  If so can someone point me in the right direction ?

Thanks in advance.




Jeff -

Not that I know about...

If there was a best case for joint support it would have been the NetApp/Oracle team, but I've heard stories from customers with frustrations there recently.

In my new role at a VAR it's one of those areas where I can see us delivering on the 'Value Add' peice of the puzzle. We have our own support that will manage joint escalation cases with our vendors for our clients.

Good news - you have the community here to help ! What is the problem your client is having ? There are those here who'd like to try to solve your puzzle ...

I hope this response has been helpful to you.

At your service,

Eugene E. Kashpureff
Senior Systems Architect / NetApp Certified Instructor

(P.S. I appreciate points for helpful or correct answers.)


The NetApp GSC has always been flexible and reasonable in troubleshooting when we escalate a case... we have opened support cases with both NetApp and the 3rd party vendor then schedule a conference call with both vendors to help eliminate finger pointing and come up with next step action plans.  I have done this with several vendors...mostly for NDMP but also for fpolicy issues.  So, even without a joint escalation agreement, you could open a NetApp case and ask the case owner to join a call with McAfee and work toward resolution.
