Hey everyone. First post to the community boards. IHAC that changes the root volume names to align with their internal nomenclature for their systems. In testing out ONTAP 9, it looks like this capability is not there. Here's the errors I get:
svl2-affselab01::volume> rename -vserver svl2-affselab01h01a -volume svl2_affselab01h01a_root -newname vol0 -foreground true
Error: command failed: Internal Error. Failed to determine the SnapLock type of the volume "svl2_affselab01h01a_root" in Vserver "svl2-affselab01h01a". Reason: entry doesn't exist.
If I try using the cluster name as the vserver, here's what I get:
svl2-affselab01::volume> rename -vserver svl2-affselab01 -volume svl2_affselab01h01a_root -newname vol0
Error: command failed: This operation is not supported for the system volume "svl2_affselab01h01a_root".
I would appreciate any help with this. Thanks!