Tech ONTAP Editions

Tech OnTap Newsletter December 2012

NetApp: Tech OnTapNetApp: Tech OnTap
Tech OnTap NewsletterDecember 2012
Mina Eng, Tech OnTap Editor
Editor's Note
As we look forward to 2013, it is also a good time to look back and revisit the articles our readers liked in 2012.  Not too surprising, the clustered Data ONTAP® architecture was top of mind.  Be sure to check out what else made it to our list.  What’s top of mind for you in 2013?  Let us know.

Have a prosperous 2013!
- Mina Eng, Tech OnTap Editor, @minayeng
Best Articles of 2012Best Articles of 2012

Enterprise-Ready Scale-Out with Clustered Data ONTAP
Virtualizing Business-Critical Apps with Clustered Data ONTAP
FAS2220: Raising the Bar for the Entry Level
vSphere 5 Best Practices and More
Case Study: Accelerating the Cloud with Clustered Data ONTAP
The New FAS3200 Series
The New FAS3200 SeriesWe launched the new midrange series in November.  Learn how these systems  provide superior performance and seamless scaling through flash and cluster-enabled technologies.
Register for on-demand  Webcast
Agile Storage Comes to Amazon’s Cloud
Agile Storage Comes to Amazon’s CloudVal Bercovici, ExposedVal explains what it is, its many use cases, and why he thinks it is not the beginning of the end for on-premise storage.
Read Val's Blog
Clustered Data ONTAP to the Rescue
Clustered Data ONTAP to the RescueAre you drowning in data? This fun, short video explains how the new clustered Data ONTAP can help you with nondisruptive operation, on-demand flexibility, and operational efficiency.
View video
Streamline Your Next Storage Project with the RFP Builder
Create your custom Request for Proposal (RFP) using this Web-based tool.
Build your RFP
NetApp Innovation Awards 2013
Are you leveraging storage in such an innovative way that it's impacting your organization’s bottom line?  Be sure to let us know.  You may just be one of the winners of these prestigious awards.
Nominate yourself by January 8

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