Active IQ and AutoSupport Discussions

FAS2050 need to replace failed filer head


I have a FAS2050 with 2 heads (active/active) filer 2 has died on me and doesnt boot up any more.

Cant remember the message, but its telling me to point to a valid root folder...

When I went into the management console to look into making these changes, it says I may lose the settings if filer 1 has taken over this head.

Filer 1 has taken over all of filer 2 operations

my questions are:

if I point it to a new 'root' folder, will I lose the current config on filer 2?

If I will lose information, do I move everything to filer1 before attempting to recreate the root?

as we dont have a backup strategy, how should I be backing up the netapp configs for future use?

its an environment I've taken on with my job, so I'm trying to learn as I go..



If filer 2 is taken over by filer 1 then root volume of filer 2 is intact. You have to start with diagnosing why takeover happened. If you are new to NetApp, the best is to open case with support (if ASUP is enabled case is normally opened automatically in case of unexpected takeover).
