Tech ONTAP Articles

Community Code of Conduct


Welcome! We are happy you are part of the NetApp Community. We built this Community so that people who create innovative solutions with NetApp storage have a place to connect and share knowledge.


To foster a vibrant, thriving, and friendly Community, we request that members abide by the following guidelines when participating on the NetApp Community:

  • Please be polite and courteous.
  • Be patient and welcoming to new members.
  • Give praise when due.
  • Respond in a timely manner when questions are asked of you directly.
  • Avoid irony and sarcasm as it can be difficult to discern via text communications
  • Do not intentionally post any misleading or erroneous information.
  • Do not post content that infringes on another's trademark, copyright, or material protected by intellectual property laws.
  • Do not share confidential content or others’ personal identification information including email, full name, address or phone number.
  • Be respectful of other opinions, approaches and cultures. Do not threaten, harass, abuse or embarrass other users.
  • Offensive or profane language is prohibited.
  • Advertising and solicitation are prohibited.

Only the following file types may be attached to discussion threads:

  • Images and PDFs  - .png, .gif, .jpg, .pdf
  • Microsoft Office and text - .docx, .doc, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .txt
  • Workflow Automation (WFA) - .dar


NetApp is not responsible for any software or content posted on the NetApp Community. NetApp reserves the right to edit or remove any content that is determined to be erroneous, inappropriate or proprietary. All information in the Community is provided as is without warranty of any kind. NetApp does not authorize the posting or downloading of any software files from the Community site. NetApp is free to use any of the materials or any comments, information or ideas contained in any content or communication you submit to us or the Community, without notice, compensation or acknowledgement to you, for any purpose, including but not limited to advertising and marketing, modifying the Community and developing products and services. NetApp reserves the right to terminate participation or access to the Community for failure to comply with the NetApp Community Code of Conduct.


For a complete guide, please visit the NetApp Communities Terms of Use

Please Note:

All content posted on the NetApp Community is publicly searchable and viewable. Participation in the NetApp Community is voluntary.

In accordance with our Code of Conduct and Community Terms of Use, DO NOT post or attach the following:

  • Software files (compressed or uncompressed)
  • Files that require an End User License Agreement (EULA)
  • Confidential information
  • Personal data you do not want publicly available
  • Another’s personally identifiable information (PII)
  • Copyrighted materials without the permission of the copyright owner

Continued non-compliance may result in NetApp Community account restrictions or termination.
