What caveats should I consider if I want to default all NAS volumes to FlexGroups?We have a mixed environment with both CIFS and NFS. FlexGroups seem ...read more
Hello All, We are using an archiving (HSM) solution where the archiving application uses NetApp Fpolicy. After migrating files off a NetApp smb share ...read more
Two of our E-Series certificates have expired. We would now like to have our internal CA issue two new ones. However, since September 2024, our collea ...read more
(Running ONTAP 9.5)Does anyone know how to change the default properties of new volumes? For example, all new volumes are created with an auto-grow th ...read more
Hello, I would like to move luns (presented to a windows 2008 server) from one NetApp FAS to another FAS. We have SQL databases runnign on it so woul ...read more
Hello, everyone. I am curious about the differences between the commands "bye", "bye -g", and "boot_ontap" in the LOADER state.For example, after repl ...read more
hello all, we have a netapp storage running cdot [version: NetApp Release 9.6P3 ], we have the below issue and need to know the solution or the troub ...read more
If my old hardware will disuse, and use a newer model to replace,the the FAS model will create a new cluster,how to move the old cluster's SVM and kee ...read more
What caveats should I consider if I want to default all NAS volumes to FlexGroups?We have a mixed environment with both CIFS and NFS. FlexGroups seem ...read more
Hello Community, Do we have a way to patch volume with a tag or annotation. Ideally i'm looking for something like this to work. I"m looking to see a ...read more
I am not sure if this is the correct forum, but I did see other posts about NetApp volumes here. Please advise of the correct forum if needed.On the G ...read more
This is probably a bit overdue, but I was just chatting with a customer who can make this switch: DII has two Brocade FOS Fibre Channel Switch data co ...read more
Hi experts, As per https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap-sanhost/nvme_rhel_95.html, ONTAP supports NVMe multipath with round-robin policy. Is it safe to ...read more