I inherited administration of an offline domain environment with a NetApp (OnTap 9.11) and no dedicated NTP appliance Because the environment is offli ...read more
I have a powershell script that has been working well for the past 4 yrs., Recently I migrated the script to a new environment and it started giving e ...read more
HelloI have a device that belongs to ONTAP 8.2.5. I can't activate my existing licenses after a device reset.The source of my problem is that I have a ...read more
Hi, I created this discussion: https://community.netapp.com/t5/ONTAP-Discussions/Google-Cloud-NetApp-Volume-performance/m-p/458864#M44712 Another ...read more
Hi All, I have a snapcenter 6.1, and mount a lun of the netapp iscsi service, and install postgresql 15.11-1 on it,I create a postgresql backup , a f ...read more
Hello all, I've been struggling to setup multipathing on an iSCSI boot LUN so after many days banging my head against a brick wall, I'm hoping somebod ...read more
Dear all,I trying to user the powershell module "NetApp.ONTAP" to create Qtree on an AFFC800, I believe this module calling API but I am not sure. An ...read more
The cloud targets are not being returned from the NetApp REST API as shown below from MetroCluster!GET https://XX.XX.XX.XX/api/cloud/targets { "record ...read more
I inherited administration of an offline domain environment with a NetApp (OnTap 9.11) and no dedicated NTP appliance Because the environment is offli ...read more
I see several posts over the years regarding differences in the way the newer versions of the PowerShell toolkit are able to retrieve information when ...read more
We found what appears to be a bug or unintended behavior with add-ncnfsservice. We want to create a new NFS service configuration on a vserver, but we ...read more
I've been reading up on the new Dynamic Authorization feature in OnTAP 9.15.1 since we just upgraded to that version on one of our clusters. I'm inter ...read more
Hello Community, Do we have a way to patch volume with a tag or annotation. Ideally i'm looking for something like this to work. I"m looking to see a ...read more
Hi experts, As per https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap-sanhost/nvme_rhel_95.html, ONTAP supports NVMe multipath with round-robin policy. Is it safe to ...read more