Hi All, I have a snapcenter 6.1, and mount a lun of the netapp iscsi service, and install postgresql 15.11-1 on it, I create a postgresql backup , a failed message: "SCC-00164: Application quiesce for the plug-in [PostgreSQL] failed with exit code [1] and with error : Operation [QUIESCE] failed with Exception [java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/jna/LastErrorException] SCC-00161: Application unquiesce for the plug-in [PostgreSQL] failed with exit code [1] and error : Operation [UNQUIESCE] failed with Exception [java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/jna/LastErrorException]." I have installed java se development 11.0.26. Anybody know how to resolv it ?
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We have an SQL script which deletes a backup from a resource group, deletes clones from that backup, takes a new backup, and takes a new clone from the new backup. This happens each morning. Since we updated to Snapcenter 5.0 due to a bug the Where-Object BackupName -Match "^A.*" functionality doesn't work. I am listing below the part of the script which fails to define the variables: $oldBack=Get-SmBackup -AppObjectId M4SQLXXXXRO3\M4SQLXXXXRO3\XXX_PROD | Where-Object BackupName -Match "^A.*" | Select-Object -first 1 $oldClone=Get-SmClone -BackupId $oldBack.BackupId NetApp suggests to use Select-String. However, with that I cannot understand how I can define the object. Any ideas how to define an object in Snapcenter 5.0. We understand that this is fixed in 6.0 but it's hard for us to plan an update to that version as all plug-in hosts need to be rebooted to update powershell and .net versions. I am pasting below some more of the script for reference: ### DELETING PREVIOUS CLONE DB ### $oldBack=Get-SmBackup -AppObjectId M4SQLXXXXRO3\M4SQLXXXXRO3\XXX_PROD | Where-Object BackupName -Match "^A.*" | Select-Object -first 1 $oldClone=Get-SmClone -BackupId $oldBack.BackupId Remove-SmClone -CloneName $oldClone.CloneName -PluginCode SMSQL -Confirm:$false Start-Sleep -Seconds 240 Remove-SmBackup -BackupIds $oldBack.BackupId -Confirm:$false Start-Sleep -Seconds 240 ### CREATING NEW BACKUP ### New-SmBackup -ResourceGroupName XXX_XXXX_Automation -Policy Test start-sleep -Seconds 300 ## CREATING THE CLONE ### $newBack=Get-SmBackup -AppObjectId M4SQLXXXXRO3\M4SQLXXXXRO3\XXX_PROD | Where-Object BackupName -Match "^A.*" | Select-Object -Last 1 New-SmClone -backupname $newBack.BackupName -Resources @{"Host"="XXXXXXXXXX";"Type"="SQL Database";"Names"="M4SQLXXXXRO3\M4SQLXXXXRO3\XXX_PROD"} -CloneToInstance XXXXXXXXX\XXXXXXXXX -AutoAssignMountPoint -CloneName XXX_PROD_SNAP -AppPluginCode SMSQL
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SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere detects FlexGroup instead of Flex Vol volumes, see screenshot: As soon as I add more than one ch_fx_vmdatastore_gen_00* volume in the Resource Group I get this warning and can not continue. I have double checked in ONTAP and these are really FlexVol volumes and not FlexGroup volumes. Also I have some older Resource Groups which still have all the ch_fx_vmdatastore_gen_00* volumes in them and are running fine. Next to that we have other environments with completely the same setup and no problems like this at all. The only strange thing I found so far is that this envrionment with the problem does have different Permissions when I look in Administration / Access Roles / Roles and go to Edit a role. I have tried to unregister and register the SnapCenter Plug-in for VMware vSphere, but that did not make the permission structure completely the same. Anyway, it does not seem to be a problem as the old jobs can run from start to end without any problems. Anybody with a solution for this, other than creating a Resource Group job for every single vmdatastore? (https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/sc-plugin-vmware-vsphere-45/scpivs44_create_resource_groups_for_vms_and_datastores.html)
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Hello everyone, I made some edits to the resources in the "Resource Groups" section of SnapCenter and added another email address under "Email send to:" using a semicolon as a separator. After confirming the changes, I attempted to make further edits, but was unable to do so as I encountered a persistent "Initializing..." message. I attempted to resolve the issue by restarting SnapCenter, but unfortunately it did not solve the problem.
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I'm running into an issue where snapshots older than the Snapcenter retention period are not always removed, and I would like to run a powershell script to check for these (and possibly delete anything older. ) This is SQL server FC attached vols, and the SnapCenter workflow is 1) full-backup with 7 days retention -> 2) snapmirror copy also with 7 days retention -> 3) snapvault copy to a separate aggr with 14 days retention. To check the snapshot dates in chronological order, I am running: Get-NcSnapshot | Where-Object {$_.Volume -match 'sql_srv_volx'} | Sort-object -property Created This is reporting all dates for the relevant volumes, but is it possible to show the oldest snapshot only? I've tried variations of -CreateTime >7days, but must be doing something wrong.
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