Let's talk about Backup and Recovery! Engage with other data protection experts about NetApp's SnapManager, SnapDrive, SnapProtect and SnapCenter, Ransomware Protection, etc.
Let's talk about Backup and Recovery! Engage with other data protection experts about NetApp's SnapManager, SnapDrive, SnapProtect and SnapCenter, Ransomware Protection, etc.
While monitoring network port traffic, we observed that SnapMirror traffic is being routed through e0M instead of e0f and e3d (InterCluster LIF). Unified Manager indicates that e0M utilization has reached 100%, while e0f shows 0%. Since e0f and e3d have been configured as the SnapMirror InterCluster LIFs, we expected the traffic to be routed through e0f. I checked the Broadcast Domain, I found that only the e0f and e3d ports on both nodes are in the independent Broadcast Domain, no e0M in the Broadcast Domain group.
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For example, if snapshot is set for the share of \\ svm01 \ smb02, the \\ svm01 \ smb02 \ ~ snapshot folder will be displayed for FAS. (When show snapshot is set) -exclude path (‘* \ ~ snapshot \ *’) was able to exclude at scan time. I wanted to exclude the regular folder \\ svm01 \ smb02 \ test, but I didn't exclude it without -exclude path (‘* \\ test \\ *’).(Two \) It seems that some folders can be excluded with -exclude path (‘* \ <$ name> \ *’), but what is the condition for having to add two \s? Or is it better to always have two \s attached?
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> version NetApp Release 9.15.1P5 1. I have a snapmirror relationship and I manually mirrored a snapshot "test5" from source to destination using the below command. Dest > snapmirror -update -destination-path <> -snapshot test5 2. I created a flexclone at the destination using the snapshot test5 > vol clone show Parent Parent Parent Vserver FlexClone Vserver Volume Snapshot State Type ------- ------------- ------- ------------- -------------------- --------- ---- dest vol_dest_clone dest vol_dest test5 online RW 3. Now, I deleted(accidentally) the test5 snapshot at the source forcefully *> snap delete -vserver source -volume vola -snapshot test5 -ignore-owners true 4. The snapmirror relationship is not affected by this even after an update: >snapmirror update -destination-path dest:vol_dest > snapmirror show Progress Source Destination Mirror Relationship Total Last Path Type Path State Status Progress Healthy Updated - ---------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- -------- SourceLocal:vola XDP dest:vol_dest Snapmirrored Idle - true - Question: - From the past experience I have noted that this type of action affects the snapmirror relationship. As mentioned in a 3rd party article: ~~~ If a FlexClone volume is created from a Snapshot copy that is not the most recent Snapshot copy, and that Snapshot copy no longer exists on the source volume, then every update will need to delete the Snapshot copy on the destination. In this case, all SnapMirror updates to the destination volume fail until the clone is destroyed or split. ~~ What has changed on a newer version of Netapp that deleting the source snapshot does not affect snapmirror? Or it only affects if snapshot deleted is a baseline snapshot?
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Hi! I am thinking of installing the snapcenter plugin for vSpherere in an environment where the main datacenter storage is served via FC and the DR site would have iSCSI connectivity. The question is if in this scenario, Snapcenter would be able to mount snapshots on the DR site being the protocol different from the production site. Thanks
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Hello All, We are using an archiving (HSM) solution where the archiving application uses NetApp Fpolicy. After migrating files off a NetApp smb share to s3 storage, the fpolicy engine leaves a stub at the original location. This "stub" is used to recall the file back to the original location when it is accessed. These stubs cause problems when backing up through veeam. When using "flat" fileshare backup the stubs are not backed up, it causes a recall from the archive. (This is not what you want). There is no functionality in veeam to skip the stubs. When using the NetApp storage integration in Veeam. (eg. Snapshot). The stubs are then skipped on the basis of an access denied. (Skiping is what you want, not how it is done) The Fpolicy server rejects stub backup/ restore from a Snapshot. [SNAPSHOT_ACCESS_BLOCKED]. We tested this with Ontap release 9.12.1 P4 and 9.13.1 P4. Are there any best-practices to integrate Veeam with NetApp Fpolicy stub backup? NDMP is not an option as it is very basic within veeam. Thanks in advance. Pieter van de Burg
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