ONTAP Discussions

CDOT == Vista ?


Am I the only one thinking that CDOT is NetApp's Vista (or Win8)?

I do see some good things about CDOT, but nothing is feature complete.  And the CLI interface is tab completion, lacks syntax documentation.

As for the movement, it still mostly disruptive, and can only be done on a volume by volume basis.

I would have thought that the movement should be at the volume level on the lowest echelon, but should apply to the vserver to make it really usable.  The lack of application group identification is also another feature which should have been there.  I should be able to group my volumes by vserver/app or app-group, and should be able to perform mass-moves as such.  What use is being able to move individual volumes around?

And in reality I see two tiers of storage these days, SSD, and SAS 2.5".  Both are ultra low power, faster than SATA, and I bet they are cheaper over the long run than the power hog 3.5" SATA's.  So there are really two tiers?   I'm just saying...

I just don't know that there is any real value in CDOT for the average user.

I think NetApp should have continued development of 7DOT, adding SMB 3, pNFS (soon), and the non-disruptive volume migration.  And they should have kept the 7DOT CLI.

Am  I off-base?
