ONTAP Discussions

Error deploying from Ontap Edge 'vsa.ipaddr'


HI world


We are trying to deploy a netapp server from a Data Ontap Edge, and i ever get the error Invalid/missing configuration property 'vsa.ipaddr'.

I have read carefully the documentation and do everything (i think) fine, but i get this error all time


My configuration it's a ESX 5.5.0 updatre  with 1 Tb of SAN disk (48 cores and 256 Gb RAM). The version of edge its 824_123_v

My esx are not on vcenter and i have full comunication with world

I have try all diferent configuration (put more IP's, system and nvram on the same disk and separated, fullfillmente all request as dns, etc... and lets empty by default, install from vm wizard or vm setup, etc...)


I have seen other people with the same problem because they start the server from vmware, i'll do from vsadmin at the finish of wizard (answering yes, and i have try starting manually too)



The log:

Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
x86_64/freebsd/image1/kernel data=0x922918+0x3db680 syms=[0x8+0x45318+0x8+0x2e84b]
x86_64/freebsd/image1/platform.ko size 0x2b0cd0 at 0xe72000
NetApp Data ONTAP 8.2.4 7-Mode
Copyright (C) 1992-2015 NetApp.
All rights reserved.
md1.uzip: 39168 x 16384 blocks
md2.uzip: 7040 x 16384 blocks
WARNING: Data ONTAP mode is not specified, defaulting to 7-mode.
ERROR: Invalid/missing configuration property 'vsa.ipaddr'.
ERROR: Data ONTAP startup failed - initiating shutdown.
Here are the permissions on /mroot directory:
drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 512 Oct 27 2015 /mroot
/mroot directory doesn't exist or is it not writeable... aborting coverage dump
Waiting for PIDS: 709.
The VMware service must be run from within a virtual machine.
Log: The VMware service must be run from within a virtual machine.
Log: Backtrace:
The VMware service must be run from within a virtual machine.
Log: The VMware service must be run from within a virtual machine.
Log: Backtrace:


Any idea to help ???
