ONTAP Discussions

Head Swap FAS8020




I want to do the FAS8020 storage fresh initialization with two disk shelf model(DS4243,DS4246), but those two disk shelf was connected to existing storage FAS3240. Unfortunately FAS3240 was Destroyed in Flood. So we dont have the existing FAS3240 and it configuration data also.


The exixting disk shelf are connected to FAS3240, but FAS storage was not in live. Customer need to take backup from Existing setup, We dont have any configuration details of existing setup. How can i take data from existing setup.


Can you confirm without existing controller we will do the head swap, if it is possible please provide the procedure for do this.


Please find the below existing and new setup


Existing Setup:


Model                   -    FAS3240 with dual controller

Ontao version        -    Data Ontap 8.1 (7 mode)

Disk shelf              -    DS4243, DS4246


New Setup:


Model                   -    FAS8020 with dual controller

Ontao version        -    Data Ontap 8.3.X (CDot mode)

Disk shelf             -    DS4243, DS4246



Thanks in advance



Manikandan S



It is not possible to do head swap from 7-Mode to C-Mode.


It is possible to connect existing shelves to FAS8020 in 7-Mode! and get access to data and configuration. To preserve data you will need to either migrate it to another FAS in C-Mode or do backup to external media, reinitialize shelves in C-Mode and restore data.


It may be possible to use one controller in dual head FAS8020 as 7-Mode and second - in C-Mode to perform migration, but I am sure it is not officially supported and requires quite a bit of experience to complete.


Migration from 7-Mode to C-Mode is complex task that far exceeds forum format. I strongly suggest you contact your partner or NetApp and ask for professional service to plan and implement it.


Hello aborzenkov,

we just purchased a new HA FAS8020 controllers, we have the following issues:

1. we didn't purchase new disk shelves, therefore we are going to use our existing DS4243,DS4246 SATA shelves
2, Thoese two shelves already connected and working with FAS3240, Unfortunately FAS3240 was Destroyed in Flood at last year. But customer need to take data from this storage.How to take data from old storage.
3, The new FAS8020 brought with data ontap 8.3.X, we need to connect disk shelves along with the same.
4, Can you confirm without existing controller we will do the head swap
5, As per best practices for initializing cDOT we need the minimum of 3 disks from the shelf. but we not aware of how to do choose particular three disk during fresh initialization.



Manikandan S


@Manikandan291 wrote:

But customer need to take data from this storage.How to take data from old storage.

I already told you - change FAS8020 setup to 7-Mode, connect shelves, backup data.


@Manikandan291 wrote:

Can you confirm without existing controller we will do the head swap

I cannot parse this question, sorry.


@Manikandan291 wrote:

As per best practices for initializing cDOT we need the minimum of 3 disks from the shelf. but we not aware of how to do choose particular three disk during fresh initialization.

They are allocated automatically during initialization.


It is not possible to manualy assign disk before data ontap initialize on netapp cluster mode

But 7 mode I am able to assign the disk to file and initialize the disk before ontap initialize.




Manikandan S
