ONTAP Hardware

question regarding Netapp FAS-2040 errors


Recently we have obtained a few FAS-2040's for a classified and unclassified private network. They were configured and installed properly until one day I recieved an error light on the FAS and it would simply not allow me to connect to any virutal machines that were on it. Long story short, I did a lot of troubleshooting on this machine to see why it would provide an error light and stop working there after. It was decided to send it to the unit that supports us. They sent it back stating that they installed a new raid controller on the device.

Once I set it back up into the server rack, ensured all drives were in the right areas, booted it on, it started to go into a boot loop with the following three statement/errors that I saw during the boot up process.

1. No Root Volume Found

2. Warning there do not appear to be any disks attached to the system

3. The platform Doesnt support service processor

With those errors I would assume that I would need to rebuild and configure the entire FAS again but the second error throws me off. If it does not see any disks at all, then of course it would throw a no root volume found error. As for the third error I am not sure what that means.

Also I am unsure, as I have been thrown into the Netapp storage world, on how to see if the harddrives are seen on it, or if there is a bios, etc etc.

Any help with commands and input on what this means would be really appreciated.

Thank you very much,

