Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit 3.1


PowerShell community,

As you probably have noticed, the announcement for Toolkit 3.1 (along with the download link) is no longer at the top of the page.  From now on, we will be posting announcements for new releases of the Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit in discussion threads.  These posts will contain the release notes and download links.



Version 3.1 release notes:

New download location

The Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit can now be downloaded on the NetApp support site:

Major features

  • Perfstat data collection

    Two new cmdlets, Invoke-NaPerfstat and Invoke-NcPerfstat enable basic perfstat data collection.  Perfstat is used to collect diagnostics data; tools are available to parse and analyze the resulting output.

  • Full Data ONTAP 8.2.1 API support

    Toolkit 3.1 includes full API coverage for Data ONTAP 8.2.1.  This includes 58 new cmdlets and 17 cmdlets with new parameters.

The following 7-mode ONTAPI categories contain new cmdlets:
  • cf (2 cmdlets)
  • toolkit (1 cmdlet)
  • ucm (2 cmdlets)

The following clustered ONTAP categories contain new cmdlets:
  • active directory (5 cmdlets)
  • cf (6 cmdlets)
  • cifs (6 cmdlets)
  • file (1 cmdlet)
  • fileservice audit (1 cmdlet)
  • lun (4 cmdlets)
  • net (6 cmdlets)
  • perf (1 cmdlet)
  • security (2 cmdlets)
  • snapshot (1 cmdlet)
  • toolkit (1 cmdlet)
  • ucm (2 cmdlets)
  • vscan (17 cmdlets)

  • Get-NaHostDisk now contains partner information for 7-mode disks.
  • Get-NcLunSignature and Set-NcLunSignature now available.
  • Transient parameter on Start-NaNdmpCopy prevents the NDMP copy operation status from being added to the global variable.
  • NDMP copy operation log messages are now contained in the NDMP copy operation status object.
  • Connect-NaController and Connect-NcController will prompt for credentials when no credentials are supplied and no credentials are present in the credentials cache.
  • Set-NaToolkitConfiguration no longer requires a PowerShell restart to change the DebugLevel.
  • The ActiveOnly switch on several 7-mode net parameters prevents the cmdlets from modifying the persistent net configuration upon completion.

  • Compliance clock info XML parsing for Data ONTAP 8.2
  • Rename-NaQtree did not work when the qtree contained spaces in the name.
  • Set-NaTime with DateTime set the UTC time erroneously.
  • WriteBytesPerSecond value incorrect for LUN stats in Invoke-NcSysstat


Check out "Making the Most of Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit" for more details on the new features.  If you're new to PowerShell or the Toolkit, you might want to start with our "Getting Started" slides.



Hi Beam thanks for this I got lost 2 nights ago looking for the download link. All good now.

There is one command I'm after in c-mode which are all the reallocate commands. Can I put in a request to have this included in the next release ?


Great!  thanks.

May I make a suggestion for 3.2?  Get-NaSysConfig that returns the same information as running SysConfig natively.  I know you can use Invoke-SSH but, in our (probably very specific case), SSH connections to remote filers aren't an option


In version 3.1.1 of the powershell toolkit there are issues with:





both using with the name: like a0a-23

Workaround is splitting them (interfacegrp name and vlan_id)



Also I would like to see an additional column for Get-NcDisk to see if the disk is zeroed.

At this moment I need to invoke an SSH command to get the output.









Nice work beam... Keep it up.


I second the request for sysconfig -a .. 


Thanks for making the d/l link available to the community.


I realize it is perhaps impolite to open my first forum comment with a bit of feedback, but I hope you'll pardon that because I really do find the PowerShell Toolkit enormously helpful.


The d/l link is much harder to find than it should be. Even the google isn't quite keeping up with where it is hidden from release to release. Otherwise, wonderful product - and again, thank you so much. I hope this feedback is taken in the frienly context in which I have offered it - as a customer who has found great value in this toolset.


- Greg Crowe
