Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Ops Manager Alerts



We are in the middle of deploying a bunch of 2020/2040's and a couple of 3160's and at the moment everytime we get an alert that is then fixed (eg. filer loses power and comes back online), the alert is emailing out but is clearing itself from the Events area of the ops manager screen.

For the life of me I cant find a way to change the setting so that it will display the alert so that we can see that there was an issue in the past that needs to be checked/acknowledged?  eg. I want the count to say there was 1 critical event (even though it has been fixed)

The main reason for this is that over the weekend we can get 200-300 alerts/reports and going trough them all takes time and I would like an easy way to check the Netapp stuff to see if there were any errors of the weekend quickly.

Also is there a way to have OpsManager use your Windows/AD credentials that you are already logged in with instead of having to log into OpsManager every time you click an alert?  eg. pass through authentication?

Thanks in advance




Hi Owen,

     Are your filers running DOT version 7.3.2 ? If so then you are hitting the below bug.

For the life of me I cant find a way to change the setting so that it will display the alert so that we can see that there was an issue in the past that needs to be checked/acknowledged?  eg. I want the count to say there was 1 critical event (even though it has been fixed)

You will have to check the events history in the summary page of each object under the events, for the same.

Also is there a way to have OpsManager use your Windows/AD credentials that you are already logged in with instead of having to log into OpsManager every time you click an alert?  eg. pass through authentication?

Yes you can use windows AD, but you will have to assign Global Full control Role to this AD user to do all you want in DFM.




Adaikkappan Arumugam wrote:

Hi Owen,

     Are your filers running DOT version 7.3.2 ? If so then you are hitting the below bug.


This seems to point to a temperature issue which is causing enclosure problems? We are not seeing this at all.

The question was a general one about finding an easy way to find out if there were any issues that have happened over the weekend.  EG. at the top of the OpsManager web page there are totals for each type of event, these all read as 0 but after going through all the email alerts for the weekend we find that a host has gone offline and come back online, we are after a way for that not to reset back to 0 once the filer is online. That way we know there was a problem over the weekend that we need to investigate, at the moment we can look at that and say, excellent there have been no problems since friday.

Yes you can use windows AD, but you will have to assign Global Full control Role to this AD user to do all you want in DFM.

We have AD authentication up and running already, what we want to avoid is having to log into Operations Manger, using AD passthrough or kerberos passthrough from AD so when we click on an alert email it takes us straight to the details without having to log into Ops Manager as we are already authenticated against AD.




Hmm....what you're asking about is actually the exact opposite of what I've seen...basically I can't get alerts to go away from the top list unless I delete them (acknowledging them won't clear from the list at the top of the page).

For pass-through authentication, I'm afraid not -- basically as it's a "web browser app" so doesn't know (or care) who you're logged into Windows as (meaning you could be logged into Windows with one user but user a different one for Operations Manager or Performance Advisor if needed).


Andrew Miller wrote:

Hmm....what you're asking about is actually the exact opposite of what I've seen...basically I can't get alerts to go away from the top list unless I delete them (acknowledging them won't clear from the list at the top of the page).

For pass-through authentication, I'm afraid not -- basically as it's a "web browser app" so doesn't know (or care) who you're logged into Windows as (meaning you could be logged into Windows with one user but user a different one for Operations Manager or Performance Advisor if needed).

Thanks Andrew,

The alerts thing is really annoying (for both of us) by the looks of it.  Maybe thats something they can improve on in the future so that these things can be customised a bit more to the clients requirements.

Hopefully they look into some sort of pass through authentication as I know the developers here have AD pass through to web apps no issues at all using kerberos tickets from memory.  Might look into giving everyone read access to the alerts or somethign so that all users can click on an alert and quickly see all the details, but to action anything they need to log in.

Might have another talk to the local Netapp people and try and see what they can get done for us with any little tricks etc they may know that are not that obvious.


Hi Andrew,

I agree with you here.

The only way I can get an alert to clear  is to delete it.

Most other management systems I have worked on allow you  acknowledge the alert, which  will then clear it., BUT  you are still left with the history.

The way this is implemented in Ops Manager , you lose the alert history.

Maybe this is a feature request?


The only way I can get an alert to clear  is to delete it.

Not really you can acknowledge events in ops-mgr.

Most other management systems I have worked on allow you  acknowledge the alert, which  will then clear it., BUT  you are still left with the history.

this is same with ops-mgr too. you can see the same in events-history reports. if the event is neutralised.

Below is the list of reports that you can get the info from.

events-history            show all historic events
events-history-acked      show all acknowledged historic events

The way this is implemented in Ops Manager , you lose the alert history.

you much check the below reports for the same.

events-history-deleted    show all deleted historic events


