ONTAP Discussions

Not able to create mirror aggregate




I am trying to create mirror aggregate and below is the command that i am trying to create


cluster1::> storage aggregate create -aggregate aggr_mirror -mirror -diskcount 3 -raidtype raid4 -node cluster1-02
[Job 1344] Job is queued: Create aggr_mirror.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

Error: command failed: [Job 1344] Job failed: Failed to create aggregate "aggr_mirror" on "cluster1-02". Reason: 3 disks needed, but not enough matching disks are available.


Below is the output for the


storage disk show -nodelist cluster1-01   



NET-1.1              3.93GB     -  24 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.2              3.93GB     -  25 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.3              3.93GB     -  26 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.4              3.93GB     -  27 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.5              3.93GB     -  28 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.6              3.93GB     -  29 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.7              3.93GB     -  32 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.8              3.93GB     -  16 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n1  cluster1-01
NET-1.9              3.93GB     -  17 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n1  cluster1-01
NET-1.10             3.93GB     -  18 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n1  cluster1-01
NET-1.11             3.93GB     -  19 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.12             3.93GB     -  20 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.13             3.93GB     -  21 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.14             3.93GB     -  22 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.15             3.93GB     -  24 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.16             3.93GB     -  16 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n1  cluster1-01
NET-1.17             3.93GB     -  17 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.18             3.93GB     -  18 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.19             3.93GB     -  19 FCAL    aggregate   aggr_vsm1 cluster1-01
NET-1.20             3.93GB     -  20 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.21             3.93GB     -  21 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.22             3.93GB     -  22 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.23             3.93GB     -  24 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.24             3.93GB     -  25 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.25             3.93GB     -  26 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.26             3.93GB     -  27 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.27             3.93GB     -  28 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.28             3.93GB     -  29 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.29             3.93GB     -  25 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.30             3.93GB     -  26 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.31             3.93GB     -  27 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.32             3.93GB     -  28 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.33             3.93GB     -  29 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.34             3.93GB     -  32 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.35             3.93GB     -  32 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.36             3.93GB     -  16 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n1  cluster1-01
NET-1.37             3.93GB     -  16 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n1  cluster1-01


                     Usable           Disk    Container   Container  
Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
NET-2.1                   -     -  24 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.2                   -     -  25 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.3                   -     -  26 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.4                   -     -  27 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.5                   -     -  28 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.6                   -     -  29 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.7                   -     -  32 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.8              3.93GB     -  16 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n2  cluster1-02
NET-2.9              3.93GB     -  17 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n2  cluster1-02
NET-2.10                  -     -  16 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.11                  -     -  17 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.12                  -     -  18 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.13                  -     -  19 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.14                  -     -  20 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.15                  -     -  21 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.16                  -     -  22 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.17             3.93GB     -  18 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n2  cluster1-02
NET-2.18             3.93GB     -  19 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n2  cluster1-02
NET-2.19             3.93GB     -  20 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n2  cluster1-02
NET-2.20             3.93GB     -  21 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_n2  cluster1-02
NET-2.21             3.93GB     -  22 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-02
NET-2.22             3.93GB     -  24 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-02
NET-2.23                  -     -  24 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.24                  -     -  25 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.25                  -     -  26 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.26                  -     -  27 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.27                  -     -  28 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.28                  -     -  29 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.29                  -     -  32 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.30             3.93GB     -  25 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-02
NET-2.31             3.93GB     -  26 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-02
NET-2.32             3.93GB     -  27 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-02
NET-2.33             3.93GB     -  28 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-02
NET-2.34             3.93GB     -  29 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-02
NET-2.35                  -     -  16 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.36                  -     -  17 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.37                  -     -  18 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.38                  -     -  19 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.39                  -     -  20 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.40                  -     -  21 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.41                  -     -  22 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.42             3.93GB     -  32 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-02
NET-2.43                  -     -  16 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.44                  -     -  17 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.45                  -     -  18 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.46                  -     -  19 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.47                  -     -  20 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.48                  -     -  21 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.49                  -     -  22 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-2.50                  -     -  24 FCAL    unassigned  -         -



Hi @MetroLife


By looking at your disks i came to know that you are using simulator. You don't have multiple disk shelves in simulator. If you want to create mirror aggregate in simulator, please o it forcefully.


cluster1::> storage aggregate create -aggregate aggr_mirror -mirror -diskcount 10 -raidtype raid_dp -node cluster1-02



You need atleast 5 drives to farm a raiddp raid group, so if you want to create mirror aggregate then you need to provide double the disk count. 5 for normal aggregate and 5 for mirror aggregate.


View solution in original post





you need to assign disks to pool 1. you currently only have them in pool0



Gidi Marcus (Linkedin) - Storage and Microsoft technologies consultant - Hydro IT LTD - UK


Hi @MetroLife


Please assign disks in one shelf to pool0 and disks from another disk shelf to pool1. This is the mandatory step when you are implemention mirror aggregate.


disk assign -disk 2.0.4 -pool 1 -owner node01


If you don't want to add them in different pools you have to use -f or -fource option while creating mirrior aggregate. But it is not recommened to use the disks from same pool in mirror aggregate.




I am trying to assign disk to pool1 but i am getting below error. Disk NET-1.17 is already Part of Pool 0.


cluster1::> disk assign -disk NET-1.17 -pool 1 -owner cluster1-01

Error: command failed: Failed to assign disks. Reason: Unable to assign disk NET-1.17
       to pool 1. Other disks on the loop are assigned to pool 0.




Hi @MetroLife



We have to assign all the disks in shelf to the same pool.




It is telling no disk available but i have many spare disks. How to use these spare disks to pool1?


cluster1::> disk assign -pool 1 -all true -node cluster1-01

Error: command failed: Failed to assign disks. Reason: No disk available *.

cluster1::> disk show -nodelist cluster1-0                 
    cluster1-01 cluster1-02
cluster1::> disk show -nodelist cluster1-01
                     Usable           Disk    Container   Container  
Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
NET-1.1              3.93GB     -  24 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.2              3.93GB     -  25 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.3              3.93GB     -  26 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.4              3.93GB     -  27 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.5              3.93GB     -  28 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.6              3.93GB     -  29 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01
NET-1.7              3.93GB     -  32 FCAL    spare       Pool0     cluster1-01


Hi @MetroLife



They are already having ownership. Please run the below command to check the unowned disks.


disk show -container-type unassigned



As these disks are alredy under ownership, you need to remove their ownership using below command.


disk removeowner -disk 1.11.11



again assign the removed disks under ownership of the nodes and to pool1


Please use the below command


disk assign -disk 1.11.11 -owner MDC2650FASCL01-01 -pool 1


Hope this response helps you.


Hi Naveen,


Thanks for the reply. I tried before this steps but i am getting below error when i am trying.


cluster1::> disk assign -disk NET-1.22 -owner cluster1-01 -pool 1

Error: command failed: Failed to assign disks. Reason: Unable to assign disk NET-1.22 to pool 1. Other disks on the loop are assigned to pool 0.





Hi @MetroLife


By looking at your disks i came to know that you are using simulator. You don't have multiple disk shelves in simulator. If you want to create mirror aggregate in simulator, please o it forcefully.


cluster1::> storage aggregate create -aggregate aggr_mirror -mirror -diskcount 10 -raidtype raid_dp -node cluster1-02



You need atleast 5 drives to farm a raiddp raid group, so if you want to create mirror aggregate then you need to provide double the disk count. 5 for normal aggregate and 5 for mirror aggregate.

