ONTAP Discussions

Disks assignement issue from fresh new configuration


Hi NetApp Community,


I'm new NetApp user and I'm currently working with a FAS 2552 with 24 SAS disks and I've just made a factory reset cause the configuration went wrong.

Now my 2 controllers are booting and on the boot prompt when my controller first booting, it shows :

"Successfully autopartitioned 11 of 11 disks" for one controller and

"Successfully autopartitioned 10 of 10 disks" for the second controller


So i'im asking why there's no 12 disks per controller (I mean 50/50 disks assignation) ? cause in my case i think lose capacity.


I found informations about that on NetApp Community but not specially for my case.


Do someone knows what happened ? I know there's things about root aggregate or disk assignement but why ?


Thank you for reading and answering !





What does the following show?

:: > disk show -container-type unassigned


If the disks are unassigned, you'd need to assign them to the appropriate nodes using "disk assign."


:: > disk assign -all true -node [nodename]


Hi, they're all assigned, but I think I found a solution, I unowned one disk and reassign it to an other controller, so know I got 11disks+1 spare on each controller so it's ok.


Now i've got an other problem with snapmirroring. I create load-sharing mirror for 2 specifical volume but one can't be initialized.


Take a look :

Roval_Cluster::> snapmirror show
Source            Destination  Mirror  Relationship  Total             Last
Path        Type  Path         State   Status        Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
            LS   Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/LS1_root_vol1
                                      Idle           -         true    -
                                      Idle           -         -       -
2 entries were displayed.




What happens when you run:


:: > snapmirror initialize-ls-set {tab complete the rest of the command}


for that relationship?


I don't have any error, look :


Roval_Cluster::> snapmirror initialize-ls-set -source-path VM_SAN_1:VM_SAN_root_vol1
[Job 162] Job is queued: snapmirror initialize-ls-set for source "Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/VM_SAN_root_vol1".


Then i type snapmirror show and I always have :

Roval_Cluster::> snapmirror show
Source            Destination  Mirror  Relationship  Total             Last
Path        Type  Path         State   Status        Progress  Healthy Updated
----------- ---- ------------ ------- -------------- --------- ------- --------
            LS   Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/LS1_root_vol1
                                      Idle           -         false   -
                                      Idle           -         -       -
2 entries were displayed.

My relationship don't return errors but I don't know why one is snapmirrored,idle and false, and the other : uninitialized,idle. Something's wrong but what ?





What does the following show?


:: > event log show


:: > snapmirror show -instance


:: > job show -state failed


For event log show :


10/29/2015 15:42:42 Roval_Cluster-01 INFORMATIONAL mgmtgwd.jobmgr.jobcomplete.fa                                            ilure: Job "SnapMirror update" [id 164] (snapmirror update of destination "Roval                                            _Cluster://VM_SAN_1/LS2_root_vol1") completed unsuccessfully: SnapMirror: error:                                             Volume Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/LS2_root_vol1 is not initialized. (1258185).
10/29/2015 15:42:42 Roval_Cluster-01 INFORMATIONAL wafl.scan.ownblocks.done: Com                                            pleted block ownership calculation on volume VM_SAN_root_vol1@vserver:32c6f439-7                                            d84-11e5-9263-00a09884836d. The scanner took 1 ms.
10/29/2015 15:42:41 Roval_Cluster-01 ERROR         mgmt.snapmir.ls.catchup.fail:                                             Load-share catch-up update transfer from source volume 'Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_                                            1/VM_SAN_root_vol1' to destination volume 'Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/LS2_root_vol                                            1' failed with error 'Volume Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/LS2_root_vol1 is not initi                                            alized.'. Job ID 164.
10/29/2015 15:40:21 Roval_Cluster-01 NOTICE        scsitarget.fct.portLogin: Log                                            in at target FC port:'0d' by initiator port '20:00:00:25:b5:00:00:2d'-addres 0xa                                            d0100. The target virtual port is:'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) VM_SAN_1:Roval_C                                            luster-01_fc_lif_2'.
10/29/2015 15:40:21 Roval_Cluster-01 NOTICE        scsitarget.fct.portLogin: Log                                            in at target FC port:'0c' by initiator port '20:00:00:25:b5:00:00:0d'-addres 0x8                                            b0120. The target virtual port is:'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) VM_SAN_1:Roval_C                                            luster-01_fc_lif_1'.
10/29/2015 15:40:21 Roval_Cluster-02 NOTICE        scsitarget.fct.portLogin: Log                                            in at target FC port:'0d' by initiator port '20:00:00:25:b5:00:00:2d'-addres 0xa                                            d0100. The target virtual port is:'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) VM_SAN_1:Roval_C                                            luster-02_fc_lif_2'.

Time                Node             Severity      Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------
10/29/2015 15:40:21 Roval_Cluster-02 NOTICE        scsitarget.fct.portLogin: Log                                            in at target FC port:'0c' by initiator port '20:00:00:25:b5:00:00:0d'-addres 0x8                                            b0120. The target virtual port is:'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) VM_SAN_1:Roval_C                                            luster-02_fc_lif_1'.
10/29/2015 15:38:43 Roval_Cluster-01 NOTICE        scsitarget.fct.portLogin: Log                                            in at target FC port:'0d' by initiator port '20:00:00:25:b5:00:00:2d'-addres 0xa                                            d0100. The target virtual port is:'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) VM_SAN_1:Roval_C                                            luster-01_fc_lif_2'.
10/29/2015 15:38:43 Roval_Cluster-02 NOTICE        scsitarget.fct.portLogin: Log                                            in at target FC port:'0d' by initiator port '20:00:00:25:b5:00:00:2d'-addres 0xa                                            d0100. The target virtual port is:'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) VM_SAN_1:Roval_C                                            luster-02_fc_lif_2'.
10/29/2015 15:38:33 Roval_Cluster-01 NOTICE        scsitarget.fct.portLogin: Log                                            in at target FC port:'0c' by initiator port '20:00:00:25:b5:00:00:0d'-addres 0x8                                            b0120. The target virtual port is:'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) VM_SAN_1:Roval_C                                            luster-01_fc_lif_1'.
10/29/2015 15:38:33 Roval_Cluster-02 NOTICE        scsitarget.fct.portLogin: Log                                            in at target FC port:'0c' by initiator port '20:00:00:25:b5:00:00:0d'-addres 0x8                                            b0120. The target virtual port is:'NetApp FC Target Port (8324) VM_SAN_1:Roval_C                                            luster-02_fc_lif_1'.

For snapmirror show -instance


                            Source Path: Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/VM_SAN_root_vol1
                       Destination Path: Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/LS1_root_vol1
                      Relationship Type: LS
                Relationship Group Type: -
                    SnapMirror Schedule: 15min
                 SnapMirror Policy Type: -
                      SnapMirror Policy: -
                            Tries Limit: 8
                      Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
                           Mirror State: Snapmirrored
                    Relationship Status: Idle
                File Restore File Count: -
                 File Restore File List: -
                      Transfer Snapshot: -
                      Snapshot Progress: -
                         Total Progress: -
              Network Compression Ratio: -
                    Snapshot Checkpoint: -
                        Newest Snapshot: snapmirror.01f80864-7d52-11e5-9263-00a09884836d_3_2147484673.2015-10-29_154238
              Newest Snapshot Timestamp: 10/29 15:42:38
                      Exported Snapshot: snapmirror.01f80864-7d52-11e5-9263-00a09884836d_3_2147484673.2015-10-29_154238
            Exported Snapshot Timestamp: 10/29 15:42:38
                                Healthy: true
                       Unhealthy Reason: -
               Constituent Relationship: false
                Destination Volume Node: -
                        Relationship ID: -
                   Current Operation ID: -
                          Transfer Type: -
                         Transfer Error: -
                       Current Throttle: -
              Current Transfer Priority: -
                     Last Transfer Type: -
                    Last Transfer Error: -
                     Last Transfer Size: -
Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: -
                 Last Transfer Duration: -
                     Last Transfer From: -
            Last Transfer End Timestamp: -
                  Progress Last Updated: -
                Relationship Capability: Pre 8.2
                               Lag Time: -
           Number of Successful Updates: -
               Number of Failed Updates: -
           Number of Successful Resyncs: -
               Number of Failed Resyncs: -
            Number of Successful Breaks: -
                Number of Failed Breaks: -
                   Total Transfer Bytes: -
         Total Transfer Time in Seconds: -

                            Source Path: Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/VM_SAN_root_vol1
                       Destination Path: Roval_Cluster://VM_SAN_1/LS2_root_vol1
                      Relationship Type: LS
                Relationship Group Type: -
                    SnapMirror Schedule: 15min
                 SnapMirror Policy Type: -
                      SnapMirror Policy: -
                            Tries Limit: 8
                      Throttle (KB/sec): unlimited
                           Mirror State: Uninitialized
                    Relationship Status: Idle
                File Restore File Count: -
                 File Restore File List: -
                      Transfer Snapshot: -
                      Snapshot Progress: -
                         Total Progress: -
              Network Compression Ratio: -
                    Snapshot Checkpoint: -
                        Newest Snapshot: -
              Newest Snapshot Timestamp: -
                      Exported Snapshot: -
            Exported Snapshot Timestamp: -
                                Healthy: -
                       Unhealthy Reason: -
               Constituent Relationship: false
                Destination Volume Node: -
                        Relationship ID: -
                   Current Operation ID: -
                          Transfer Type: -
                         Transfer Error: -
                       Current Throttle: -
              Current Transfer Priority: -
                     Last Transfer Type: -
                    Last Transfer Error: -
                     Last Transfer Size: -
Last Transfer Network Compression Ratio: -
                 Last Transfer Duration: -
                     Last Transfer From: -
            Last Transfer End Timestamp: -
                  Progress Last Updated: -
                Relationship Capability: Pre 8.2
                               Lag Time: -
           Number of Successful Updates: -
               Number of Failed Updates: -
           Number of Successful Resyncs: -
               Number of Failed Resyncs: -
            Number of Successful Breaks: -
                Number of Failed Breaks: -
                   Total Transfer Bytes: -
         Total Transfer Time in Seconds: -

2 entries were displayed.

And for job show-cluster -instance instead of job show -state failed (don't work)



Job ID: 41
   Owning Vserver: Roval_Cluster
             Name: SnapMirrorDaemon_3_2147484673
      Description: Snapmirror Daemon for 3_2147484673
         Priority: Exclusive
            Node : Roval_Cluster-01
         Affinity: Cluster
         Schedule: @now
       Queue Time: 10/28 16:26:04
       Start Time: 10/28 16:26:04
         End Time: -
   Drop-dead Time: -
       Restarted?: false
            State: Dormant
      Status Code: 0
Completion String:
         Job Type: Transfer-Daemon
     Job Category: SnapMirror
             UUID: 33f8ea6c-7d88-11e5-9263-00a09884836d
        User Name:
10 entries were displayed.



Have you opened a support case? This is going to take more effort than what can be done effectively on this forum.


Not yet cause I didn't want to abuse of the service cause I thought it was an easy issue for NetApp users 😉

Thank you for your help , i'll open a case and see with NetApp support ! Robot Happy


The disk one, yes.


The snapmirror one will require some work. 🙂
