Hi all,
Currently I'm looking into a NetApp filer for which snapvault replication has issues because there is not enough space on the primary side to keep all changes in a snapshot.
I started looking at the output of aggr show_space -h and I wonder where some of the space goes.
I assume Usable space = total space(18TB) - WAFL Reserve (1913GB) - Snap Reserve (344GB).
Is A-SIS space that is taken out of the aggregate usable space?
Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate are Total Space allocated at the bottom of the output.
Used is the sum of the usage of all volumes. Usage of volumes is the sum of data and snapshots in that volume.
Please correct me if I got anything of this wrong.
This is what I can't decipher where space is going:
Aggregate Allocated Used Avail
Total space 15TB 10TB 560GB
4,5TB is gone for some reason: 15TB- 10TB = 560GB?
What am I missing here? Are there any other things that should be kept in account? Can someone give a drill down of all elements that are used to get to this number?
Are LUNs counted fully even half of the amount is used?
Is the target free space of a volume also taken into account?
As the volume usage seems correct, then we loose +4TB on the aggregate level? On what?
This is an example:
Aggregate 'aggr0_xxx_fc'
Total space WAFL reserve Snap reserve Usable space BSR NVLOG A-SIS Smtape
18TB 1913GB 344GB 16TB 0KB 919GB 0KB
Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate
Volume Allocated Used Guarantee
root_vol_delng153 162GB 8172MB volume
vol0 1350GB 1201GB volume
vol1 1348GB 940GB volume
vol2 1348GB 1012GB volume
vol3 1348GB 792GB volume
vol16 1348GB 1097GB volume
vol17 1347GB 864GB volume
vol18 1348GB 856GB volume
vol32 1372GB 802GB volume
vol45 2212GB 1663GB volume
vol46 2213GB 2002GB volume
Aggregate Allocated Used Avail
Total space 15TB 10TB 560GB
Snap reserve 344GB 217GB 127GB
WAFL reserve 1913GB 205GB 1708GB
Thanks in advance!