Active IQ Unified Manager Discussions

Provisioning Manager Jobs Slow


My Provisioning Manager jobs are taking a long tome to run.  Provisioning a new volume in a dataset is taking about 20 minutes, a bit frustrating but even worse when I have 10 volumes to create as this is taking over 3 hours!  Is this normal?

I am running onCommand Core 5.0.  Here is an example of provisioning a volume to contain a SAN LUN with timings

16:37 Start

16:37 Volume Create

16:37 Volume Dedupe Enable

16:37 Volume Option Set

16:38 Snapshot Autodelete

16:47 Volume Dedupe Schedule Set

16:57 Snapshot Reserve Resize

16:57 End

I can do all of this manually myself and then add the volumes into the dataset much quicker but I do not really want to do this.  I just want to run a dfpm command and let Provisioning Manager do the work for me but the time delay is making this unworkable.




Hi Calvin,

What all other data protection and provisioning jobs are running? You can check this using  dfpm job list  CLI.

Could you please also check CPU/memory stats on the host running OC just to see if something is consuming resources that may be causing the resource contentions. Also what was the time taken earlier before this degradation started and what has changed in the host or network config betn OC & storage systems if any since then?




There were no other jobs running.

It has ALWAYS taken this long.

The server is configured with 4GB of memory of which it is using 1.25GB.  It is using between 10 and 20 percent of the 2 CPUs it has.


Hi Calvin,

     What is the version of ONTAP against which this provisioning job is running. The bottle neck in creating the volume can be one of the two location or both.

  1. OnCommand Unified Manager/Provisioning Manager
  2. Could be in Ontap.

Can you do the same set of operation in the filer and let us know if you still face the same problem. Also was there any specific opertaion that was going on in the filer other than normal data access like, mirror update, clone split, snapshot creation etc ?

Are you facing this problem in all your controllers or is it specific to only one controller ? Also are all these provisioning jobs running concurrently on the same controller ?




Provisioning jobs are running against ONTAP 8.0.2 and 8.0.3.

As stated in the original post I can do all of the tasks manually at the ONTAP command line at normal response times.  This is also true when using PowerShell to perform these tasks or Systems Manager.

Ony normal operations going on at the same time as these jobs.

Problem occurs on all controllers.

As the jobs were provisioning volumes in the same dataset they were running sequentially.


Hi Calvin,

     We haven't heard similar problems before. In order to find the actual root cause this, we will have to enable some logging to find out whats happening in the provisioning job and time each step of it. All of this is not possible via communities, can you pls open a case with NetApp support who can do all of this and find the root cause and then provide a fix.


