connoisseur has earned 16 badges!
First Topic Started2015-05-25Earned by 14,737You've started your first topic!
Started 3 Topics2015-05-25Earned by 3,634You've started 3 topics!
Started 7 Topics2015-05-25Earned by 1,402You've started 7 topics!
Started 15 Topics2023-05-18Earned by 639You've started 15 topics!
Started 25 Topics2023-05-18Earned by 349You've started 25 topics!
First reply2015-05-25Earned by 16,198You've posted your first reply!
5 Replies2015-05-25Earned by 4,226You've posted 5 replies!
15 Replies2015-05-25Earned by 1,633You've posted 15 replies!
50 Replies2023-05-18Earned by 591You've posted 50 replies!
Received First Kudos2015-05-25Earned by 5,100You've received your first Kudo!
Received 3 Kudos2023-05-18Earned by 2,055You've received 3 Kudos!
Given First Kudos2015-05-25Earned by 6,791You've given your first Kudo!
Given 3 Kudos2023-05-18Earned by 2,195You've given 3 Kudos!
Given 5 Kudos2019-01-09Earned by 1,046You've given 5 Kudos!
First Accepted Solution2015-05-25Earned by 2,906Your first comment has been accepted as a solution!
3 Accepted Solutions2015-07-02Earned by 9043 of your comments have been accepted as solutions!