lionetti has earned 8 badges!
Started 15 Topics2023-05-18Earned by 641You've started 15 topics!
First reply2015-05-25Earned by 16,231You've posted your first reply!
Received First Kudos2015-05-25Earned by 5,122You've received your first Kudo!
Received 3 Kudos2023-05-18Earned by 2,060You've received 3 Kudos!
Received 5 Kudos2015-05-25Earned by 1,160You've received 5 Kudos!
Received 10 Kudos2017-11-27Earned by 659You've received 10 Kudos!
On the Map!2023-05-18Earned by 1,369By placing yourself on the map, you're one step closer to completing your profile!
Cheese!2023-05-18Earned by 12,829By adding an avatar, you're one step closer to completing your profile!