garvey has earned 7 badges!
First Topic Started2015-05-25Earned by 14,751You've started your first topic!
First reply2015-05-25Earned by 16,206You've posted your first reply!
5 Replies2015-05-25Earned by 4,228You've posted 5 replies!
Received First Kudos2015-05-25Earned by 5,105You've received your first Kudo!
Received 3 Kudos2023-05-18Earned by 2,057You've received 3 Kudos!
First Accepted Solution2015-05-25Earned by 2,908Your first comment has been accepted as a solution!
3 Accepted Solutions2015-05-25Earned by 9053 of your comments have been accepted as solutions!