In fusion i have a solution but it appears that this solution is already configured. This solution only has 16 SSD disks and that we can only use the data aggregates that the solution provides. If i remove the data aggregates from the solution to then try and create only one lager aggregate , it only allows a one size to be created. It appears that we cannot remove the two data aggregates and create one large one instead,. Is this a restriction due to ADP?
Due we just have to use the configuration that is shown below utilizing the two 4.8 TiB data aggregates ?
Other systems allows creation of one large aggregate but they dont use ADP.
Solved! See The Solution
think you're missing half the disks in that aggr - I see it as such -
or w/spare -
You have to click the "add" button under devices -
Yeah , realize you have to do that. If i delete the two auto generated Data aggregates which are 4.8 Tib in size and then attempt to create a new single aggregate. It only allows the size of 5.27 Tib , meaning i have lost 4.33 Tib of space. So it doesnt allow one large aggregate of the same capacity. That is my question really. Is this due to ADP and a limitation ?
think you're missing half the disks in that aggr - I see it as such -
or w/spare -
Thanks I see what i wasnt doing now in the tool. i didnt add the 2nd partition. Thanks
Cool. glad you got it. The only real limit on this config is that ONTAP won't let you put all Data Parts in a single RG.