Add the VLAN:
vlan create -node xxx-01 -name a0a-10
vlan create -node xxx-02 -name a0a-10
Add the VLAN to broadcast domain:
broadcast-domain add-port ..... -port xxx-01:a0a-10,xxx-02:a0a-10
Test it out:
Externally, ping one of the NETAPP LIFS. While that is running:
Net int migrate -lif abc -vserver xyz -destination-port a0a-10
If the ping still works, continue. If not revert it back and see what was missed
net int modify -vserver xyz -lif abc|bcd -destination-port a0a-10
net int revert -vserver xyz -lif abc|bcd
Clean up
Broadcast-domain remove-port .... -port xxx-01:a0a-55,xxx-02:a0a-55
Hope that helps.