FAS8060 8 node cluster CIFS ONTAP 9.4P1 - aggregates all nearly full - BEFORE
Added AFF A700 4 nodes to the cluster so now 12 node cluster running ONTAP 9.4.1P on AFF as well.
Vol move used to move as much data as we could until AFF A700 80% full, efficiecy on AFF 1.47:1 from compression, dedupe. Compaction not giving any improvememnt showing as 1:1
We also had StorageGRID for FabricPool but wil such poor deduplication we dont want to tier until its better or wont have enough space to migrate all data off FAS8060 controllers.
Efficiency donut attached
My suspicaion is vol move does not get benefit of compaction at all, vol move used as mon-disruptive and no cutover to worry about aka changing any share paths.